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新八佰伴(New Yaohan)


Planned to go to the shopping area to have lunch and shop around today, we leave home around noontime. And park my car in car park, met Garfield and Manman in car park and found that they were going to New Yaohan. By that time I still didn’t plan to go to New Yaohan yet, took Chunchun to have McDonald’s directly. However, Chunchun kept asking me that he wanted to play with Manman… and I found that New Yaohan was very close to the shopping area now, so we went to New Yaohan after lunch, and planned to go to shopping area afterward. Ha, happy day for Chunchun, we met Jennifer and Yanyan in New Yaohan too, then called Garfield and Manman, we walking around in the Toys Section and then went to supermarket. Lucky us found 3 baby car for them, haha, actually Chunchun was too big to sit in it, but he really want to, so… I told Chunchun that next time if he wanted to sit in that trolley baby car… ask Papa to go with him, I was super tired to push it forward=.=
Bought some snack in supermarket, and then bought some new towels for Papa. Leave New Yaohan around 2pm something, take the towels and snack to my car… and then we walk to shopping area to buy stuff. Back home around 4pm something, Chunchun wanted to take nap again, so I let him to watch cartoon to keep him awake… didn’t want him to go to bed late tonight.

