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今日好乖(Good Boy)


Picked up Chunchun around 4.15pm this afternoon, sigh, Chunchun’s school off at 3.55pm but I have to wait until 4.15pm to pick up Chunchun=.= I rather they let me walk to classroom to pick him up more than waiting at school gate, waiting kids to queue up and walk to school gate.
Back home around 4.30pm and then hurry to let Chunchun get changed and prepare to do homework with him. So happy, Chunchun was being super smart today, he only spent around half hour to finish his homework… another half hour to finish daily review.
Grandma arrived before dinner time, and we finished dinner around 8pm. Lovely Chunchun was being a super good boy today, he write his dairy soon after dinner and then we watched VCD together for around half hour before he takes shower and go to bed.