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放學返到屋企就同駿駿做功課溫習啦..唉~睇下手冊…明天又有中文試默…睇番個手冊,今個星期返5日,測驗默書就去左4日…星期一 – 默英文,星期二 – 試默中文,星期三 – 測英文,星期五 – 默中文…即係日日做完功課做完普通溫習後重要同佢特別溫習.上個星期已經係咁架啦,返4日學就測驗默書足4日…星期二,三,四都要數學試測同小測,星期五又有英文試默喎.即係點?以後個個星期都係咁?一星期測驗考試4,5日?點解同上學年我黎參觀小學時問老師既答案完全唔同既?果時我都有問,多唔多默書測驗…佢答唔多架,教完一個單元先會有一次,大約2,3個星期先會大一次默書,測驗…結果完來捉字蝨,個個星期都整d試默試測出黎…我覺得自己比人呃左呢…

Went to pick up Chunchun with Papa this afternoon. Poor Chunchun told us that his classmate hit him by blocks during recess, he told teacher immediately and his classmate have to be punished. Sigh~ his classmate is hyperactivity, I been telling Chunchun to stay away from his classmate, because I saw that several time that boy couldn’t control himself well. And Chunchun said he just want to play blocks…
Back home to do homework and study with Chunchun. I found that he have Chinese dictation today=.= Wow, I wonder why so many test and dictation every week; Monday – English dictation, Tuesday – Chinese dictation, Wednesday – English test and Friday – Chinese dictation… we have to special study for dictation or test everyday after review, sigh~ And last week were Tuesday – Math test, Wednesday – Math test, Thursday – Math test and Friday – English dictation. I wonder is that every week have dictation and test? It’s totally different from what I heard when I sightseeing in this Primary school in last school year… teacher said they didn’t have much test and dictation… sigh~