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行街買野(Shopping Day)


Took Chunchun to Mandarin Course this morning around 11.30am, it’s the trial lesson… didn’t have to pay for it yet, haha… Mr. Chan said there will have a few trial Mandarin Courses until they sure they hold it for regular lesson. Chunchun seems to be enjoying this Mandarin lesson^^ hope that it will be regular lesson soon.
After Mandarin Course, Papa called and said he’s free for lunch, so we went to New Yaohan to wash my car, and then we walk to a Chinese Restaurant near New Yaohan for lunch and shopping in New Yaohan after lunch. Papa leave around 2.30pm, and then Chunchun and I walk to the shopping area around 3pm to order birthday cake for birthday party and shop around. Hum, I didn’t buy anything for myself today, but bought a pair of jeans and a t-shirt for Chunchun^^
So tired that we back home around 5pm something, and I decided not to cook tonight, haha… ordered Pizza Hut delivery. Hum, Chunchun and I were having a nice day today, wish that Chunchun would behave himself everyday to be a good boy.
