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數學小測(Math Test)

駿駿琴日倒瀉左水樽d水落書包,所以放學時我地拎晒所有野出黎吹乾呢.到今日佢放學返黎時同我講,原來佢今日唔記得帶筆袋喎=.= 唉~琴日書包乾左我就叫佢執書包,今朝起身時我都叫佢再檢查多次有冇帶漏野..結果佢睇都唔睇就話冇…=.=一早聽我講野咪唔會帶漏囉..唉~

Chunchun spilled his water bottle on his school bag yesterday, therefore, we take out everything in him school bag to dry it. And then when he back from school this afternoon, he told me that he forget to brought his pencil case today, sigh~ Silly Chunchun, I told him to double check this morning to confirm he had bring every thing to school… but he didn’t do it=.=.
Blamed his careless afterward, then we started to do homework together… Found a Math pre-test paper in Chunchun’s school bag, having test without notice again=.= Sigh~