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總測成績單(Season Test Result)

即時去銀行,好快手11點前就搞掂爸爸要做既野囉.之後我地就直接去旺角行街啦. 哈,真係開心啦,我今日都買左唔少野,買左條裙,又買左件羽絨褸準備新年去旅行用,又買左漫畫,又買左曲奇…爸爸都買左條牛仔褲,同變形金剛^^雖然我地要趕2點半船,3點半要返到澳門接駿駿放學,但係結果大家都有收鑊真係開心.
返到屋企就做功課啦,發現駿駿今日冇乜功課做喎,但係就有好幾張總測改正要做.再睇下手冊,原來派左總測成績單啦.雖然駿駿既成績唔講得係差,但係我就一d都唔滿意佢咁既成績,佢應該可以做得更好的…聖經: 80; 普通話: 92; 數學: 87; 常識: 92; 中文讀本: 87; 中文默書: 100; 中文作文: 77; 英文讀本: 97; 英文默書: 98; 英文會話: 85; 中文書法: C+; 電腦: B-; 公民: B; 視覺藝術: B-; 音樂: A-; 體育: A-. 平均分低於 90, 大約得88 – 89,如果高於90…都好丫…但係又差少少.

Papa asked me to go to Hong Kong with him this morning suddenly, because he need to go to some bank in Hong Kong for work… and he decided to go shopping around for a while too^^ Took Chunchun to school as usual and then we go to the ferry terminal immediately, get on the 9am ferry and arrived to Hong Kong around 10pm something.
Papa finished his work before 11am, and then we went to Mong Kok to shopping around. Hum so happy I bought a dress, a down coat today, and Papa bought a pair of jeans too. We hurry back to Macau before 3.30pm because we need to pick up Chunchun on 4pm.
Sigh, I been waiting in car and Papa walk to pick up Chunchun… wonder why they take so long today, didn’t get on car until 4.15pm. Papa said Chunchun’s teacher talked with him, Chunchun was being quite naughty at school… sigh~
Found a few Season test papers in Chunchun’s bag… and found the Season Test Report. Hum, should I say Chunchun was doing not bad? But I didn’t satisfy with it. Bible: 80; Mandarin: 92; Math: 87; Common Sense: 92; Chinese reading: 87; Chinese Dictation: 100; Chinese composition: 77; English reading: 97; English Dictation: 98; English Oral: 85; Chinese writing: C+; Computer: B-; Citizenship education: B; Art: B-; Music: A-; P.E.: A-. Average is under 90, around 88 – 89… sigh, he can do better than that.