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Went to food market before I go to pick up Chunchun. At first I wanted to buy him some snack, but then I remember that he wasn’t behave himself well and he have dictation tomorrow, he have to study may not have time to eat… better not to buy him snack… sigh~
Chunchun told me that he made Christmas socks today during Art and Craft lesson, he’s happy about it. Hum, Chunchun was doing not bad during homework time, but then when I asked him to study dictation, he kept refuse to do pre-dictation with me… I have no way to check he knows it or not, because Chinese not English, we can’t spell it. Finally forced him to pre-dictation once, and found that he has quite a lot of mistakes… Asked him to study again and pre-dictation it before bed. Sigh~ Chunchun just didn’t want to be cooperate, he refuse to pre-dictation again… and he miss his bed time on 9.30pm. He finally pre-dictation again on 10pm something when he’s very sleepy… sigh~ He’s wasting his time and my time, why don’t he pre-dictation it quick, so he could go to bed on time?