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請左半日病假(Half Day Sick Leave)


Took Chunchun to school with Grandma this morning, let Grandma to go in school with Chunchun and go to food market, I back home alone. Reminded Grandma to take Chunchun to school doctor, and let him take medicine before he goes to classroom.
Grandma called around 9am something and asked me to pick her up because the bus schedule was changed=.= No bus can back home now, sigh~ Grandma told me that Chunchun should be having tonsillitis, school doctor didn’t gave him any antipyretic… and school doctor suggested Chunchun to take half day leave after Math test. Been waiting for school calling to pick up Chunchun all morning. Finally Chunchun called me himself around noontime, hurry to go to pick up Chunchun with Grandma and then back home to prepare lunch for Chunchun.
Poor Chunchun slept all day today, something he awaked from night mare… he seem to be very tired even he been sleeping all day today.