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重係38度燒(Still Having Fever around 38C)


Woke up around 7am this morning, check on Chunchun’s temperature… sigh~ he still having fever around 38℃. Called to school around 8am to take sick leave, then back to bed to sleep with Chunchun again. Chunchun still look very tired today, he been sleeping all day, except lunch time. And he finally woke up around 6pm and then I hurry take him to clinic again. Request to see another doctor, and told her that Chunchun been having fever since Sunday, went to clinic to see a male doctor on Monday, and went to school doctor yesterday. Doctor said tonsillitis will not cause light fever for few days, it’s a flu… and gave Chunchun 4 days medicines this time and suggested Chunchun take one more sick leave tomorrow.