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英文班(English Course)


Back to Macau last night around 2am something, and woke up around 8am this morning to prepare to take Chunchun to English Course. Grandma backs to Hong Kong before 9am something after she prepared breakfast for Chunchun.
Took Chunchun to English Course with Papa and then drive Papa to work. Parked my car near learning centre, then go to supermarket to buy drink and stuff. Papa called around 10.30am said that he’s free this morning, and asked me to have breakfast with him. Late breakfast with Papa that drive Papa to work again before Chunchun off school.
Since I was full by the late breakfast, I didn’t have lunch with Chunchun, just bought him a lunch box this afternoon. After lunch, let him to rest for a while… before we starts study. Study even half hour on different subject and then rest for 15 minutes. Hope that Chunchun will do his best on Exam.