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今日由婆婆揍(Take Care By Grandma)


Woke up early to go to Asiaworld – Arena to queue up for X-Phone, and then back home to take nap before go to Asiaworld – Arena for X-Japan Live show today. Back to Macau immediately after Show, by the time I arrived home, it’s already 2am something, really tired>_<
Papa called around 10am something, then I remind him to tell Grandma to take Chunchun to Mandarin Course around 11am. Called Grandma around 2pm, I thought that they should back home already; however, Grandma told me that they were in Taipa Education Activities Centre and they didn’t have lunch yet. Chunchun leaded her to the Taiipa Education Activities Centre to play right after he finished his Mandarin Course…haha.