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出發去日本啦(Go To Japan)

9.00am 起身
11.00am 搭的士去機場
12.30pm Check In
12.45pm 係機場入面既美心飲茶
3.xxpm 起飛
7.xxpm 到達關西機場
9.30pm 去道頓堀食晚飯
10.30pm 搭旅遊巴返酒店


9.00am Woke up
11.00am Go to HK Airport by Taxi
12.30pm Check In
12.45pm Lunch at Chinese Restaurant in HK Airport
3.xxpm Take off
7.xxpm Arrived to Kansai Airport
9.30pm Dinner @ Doutonburi
10.30pm Go to Hotel Keihan Universal Tower by Travel Bus

Woke up around 9am this morning to prepare to go to HK Airport before noontime. At first I wanted to take Airport Express to the HK Airport, because Chunchun said he wanted to take it; however my brother decided to take taxi there.
Arrived to HK Airport around noontime, waited to our tour guide to check in and then we go to a Chinese restaurant in HK Airport to have lunch until 1pm something. Boarding around 2pm something and take off around 3pm something. Poor Chunchun cry during take off and landing, he said it’s hurt his ears~_~
Get on the travel bus around 8pm something, and then we go to Doutonburi to have dinner immediately. Our tour guide gave us 1500yen per person to have ramen in any restaurant in Doutonburi. Since most of the ramen restaurants were full, we went to a sashimi rich restaurant to have dinner. Spent 3000yen something on dinner and have 2000yen something left to buy snacks^^
Back to Hotel Keihan Universal Tower around 11pm, we were all tired and hurry to bed.

