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日本遊第二天(Japan Trip Day 2)

8.00am 起身
10.00am 行去大阪環球影城
1.00pm 係City Walk行街同食午飯
4.30pm 到達心齋橋
7.20pm 晚飯
9.00pm 回到大阪環球影城京阪Tower

10點左右,導遊就帶我地由酒店行去環球影城啦,簡單咁介紹一下影城就比我地自由活動囉.今日係影城既時間係去到3點幾架,不過我地只係玩左2個鐘多d,係中午左右我地就離開影城囉.所以我地玩既野都唔多呢,只係玩左”蜘蛛俠神奇歷險列車”,魔術旋轉木馬”同”史努比雲霄飛車”3個遊戲咋.原本我地都好想玩侏羅紀公園列車架,可惜佢今日冇開=_=我地又冇睇到表演喎,因為舅父話佢完全冇興趣丫.留係影城依2個小時,除左玩以上果3個遊戲外,我地重比駿駿係史努比遊樂園度玩左一陣,周圍搵公仔影相添.之後我地就開始購物啦,哈,我地係影城都真係買左唔少野.我同婆婆主要都係去Kitty貓品店度買野,好開心丫我買左2個半價既Hello Kitty手袋,1大1小的,重有幾個Hello Kitty公仔又玩左2次500yen既抽奬.而駿駿就係神奇蜘蛛俠百貨店度買左蜘蛛俠玩具, 蜘蛛俠水杯,同係街邊買左蜘蛛俠既波仔^o^
大約中午打後我地就離開影城,先返酒店放底戰利品,再去City Walk度食午飯同行街.最後決定去食迴轉壽司呢.食飽飽就開始行街,不過一行起上黎就有d失望,原來City Walk好細架咋,入面又以食店為主,商店不多呢.不過最後我都係果度買左個Hello Kitty銀包仔.大約3點左右就返酒店休息一下,到3點半再集合準備搭旅遊巴去心齋橋囉.

8.00am Woke up
10.00am Walk to Universal Studio Japan
1.00pm Lunch and Shop @ City Walk
4.30pm Arrived to Shinsaibashi
7.20pm Dinner
9.00pm Back to Hotel Keihan Universal Tower

We woke up a little bit late for tour this morning, because Universal Studio Japan is open on 10am. And we only need to walk around 5 minutes to get there from our hotel. Have breakfast buffet in our Hotel, it’s a very nice breakfast buffet and there have a very cutie kids breakfast section.
Walked to Universal Studio Japan on 10am and leave there around noontime, we didn’t play much there only played “The Amazing Adventures of Spiderman – The Ride” , “Magical Oz-Go-Round” and “Snoopy’s Great Race”, we were interesting in “Jurassic Park – The Ride” too, but it’s closed today=.= Didn’t watch any show because my brother not interesting in it. Spent around 2 hours in Universal Studio Japan, let Chunchun play in “Snoopy’s Playland” for a while and then Grandma and I started to shopping around in the “Hello Kitty Celebrity Style Shop” haha, and we do let Chunchun shop around in “The Amazing Spider-Man Store”. We bought a lot of stuff in Universal Studio Japan today^O^ Chunchun bought a Spider-Man toys and ball and cup, I bought some souvenir for my relative, 2 Hello Kitty hand bag (1 big and 1 small), played Hello Kitty lucky draw, and a few Hello Kitty dolls.
Leave Universal Studio Japan around noontime, we back to hotel first and then walk to city walk to have lunch and shop around. We decided to have sushi in Daisuki Sushi. Hum, a little bit disappointed around the City Walk, it’s a very small mall… didn’t have much store there, mostly restaurant. I bought a Hello Kitty wallet there and that’s it. We back to Hotel to take a rest around 3pm and round up around 3.30pm to take travel bus to Shinsaibashi to shopping around.
Arrived to Shinsaibashi around 4.30pm, happy Chunchun won his favorite monster bear from Namco doll game^^ I bought 2 cleaning oil set on sales around 798yen this evening in Shinsaibashi. I been asking my friends who go to Taiwan and Japan travel to buy it for me, but they didn’t found it>_< lucky me can find it this time.
Have lunch around 7pm something and then we back to hotel around 9pm. Need to pack up our suitcase because tomorrow we have to take our suitcase with us, we will stay in other hotel tomorrow night.



