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The magical toothbrushes (M)

May yawned unexpectedly in front of her parents! "Mum, would you mind if I go upstairs and choose a toothbrush to brush my teeth the second time?" asked May, picking up a pretty blue box with her silks in. "Sure darling," answered her mum picking up a delicious woven bag of nut cookies. "By the way, come to the kitchen while mum tells you some stuff." May followed her mum in to the kitchen carrying the box of silk. May's mum knew about the toothbrush adventures and gave her a woven bag full of toothbrushes. She sat down on stool and told May to bring the nut cookies there for the people and her to eat.

May crept out the kitchen so her dad wouldn't notice her with the bag and box. May rushed up to the bathroom and chose the toothbrush with the flower on and held it in her hand for 10 seconds...

May landed on a garden place. A dear little flower told her she was in flower land where the people who took care of the flowers were fairies! May jumped up and found herself gliding through air! She leapt up gently on the edge of each petal. "Hi! I am Buttercup." said a young fairy making some 'Flutter Dust' to feed a buttercup quickly.

She dragged May through the air and explained the trouble of losing food! May dropped down on a rose and was about to look in her favorite bag but found, instead of the pink bag, was a little bluebell handbag with added sparkles. She was also wearing a blue vest with a bluebell's petals all sewn together for a skirt. "WOW!" gasped May. "You are a bluebell fairy now whenever you come." said Buttercup. "I am a Buttercup fairy as you should know." May peered in her blue hand bag where she found some food, but only enough for 3 people. Some of her cookies had disappeared!

"Never mind. If only I had 8 silks, then I could have magicked more." sighed Buttercup. May emptied her bag and found her bag. She opened it and found just enough silks. "That's weird. I had 20 silks and I've only 8 now?" But she felt herself being pulled away by a hand...

A past teller told them that it was Lorana(May's mum) by accident. May reached in her handbag and made up a spell which was:
"Bluebell flower,
Never sour,
Always sweet,
Please grant my wish!
I wish for the stuff back!" wished May. She took her hand out of the bag and emptied the things out. May flipped through the pile of petals and leaves until she found the box of cookies. May took a deep breath and crossed her fingers behind her back while Buttercup opened it slowly...

May whizzed away and left Buttercup to work out the spell of making more cookies rather than just the 10 nut cookies. She thought about them fiddling about with the 20 ribbons and the spellbook working hard. May gazed around her at the pretty view, she thought now she would get a chance to explore for a bit.

Buttercup whizzed over to May and said she had exciting news! May landed softly on a petal(not as eager as Buttercup to know the news, because she wanted to explore only now everything was turning grey 'cause of losing food) "We've made more than enough food!" exclaimed Buttercup excitedly. "You know how much you wanted to explore," began Buttercup while May nodded enthusiastically "well, you can explore while sprinkling the food on the flowers so it's back to normal!" May gasped and grabbed a bag of flower food powder and fluttered on spinkling a bit on every flower. Buttercup helped and everything was back to normal.

30 minutes later

May sat on her chair, her teeth very clean. Her mother walked in and asked how it all went, May explained it all and also told mother that she had accidently stolen the ribbons and cookies. Then, they walked down stairs chatting about all their adventures.