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New girl(M)(chapter book!)

Chapter 1 Dream
Amy prodded at her dinner with her fork. She wasn't hungry at all, because of all the excitement, of the news from the teacher, that a new girl was coming to school tomorrow! "You have to eat something Amy," her mother exclaimed. "Alright. I'll eat my peas and a bit of rice. Then, I'm going to do my homework," Amy answered, already finishing off what she promised to eat. Amy dealt with her homework and went to sleep.

That night, she had a wonderful dream that it was a very normal girl gold shiny hair that she left loose everyday. Tomorrow was Mufti Day so the girl would have been phoned to tell her to wear her own clothes. She(in her dream) wore a blue top with red, orange, yellow and green stripes in the middle. The new girl also wore jeans with butterflies on it. She had natural pink lips and misty blue eyes. Her name was called Freya.

Chapter 2 New girl
Amy brushed her short gold hair and smoothened her short dress with a beautiful ribbon tied on her waist. The ribbon was sky blue and the dress was a gorgeous lilac. She tied it in a ponytail with a red ribbon. She wished she could be best friends with her so much. She forgot it was a dream and the new girl might not look like that!

At school, Amy and all the other children were all in impressing home clothes, even Sukie had made an effort! Sukie was a girl that thought she was the best. She often tries to be kind but sometimes (because she's rich) she boasts and goes 'I'm am so going to be better than you' or 'Look at my clothes! They are prettier than your's!'.

"Thank you for making an effort to make the girl know are school is kind, good and impressive. We learn quick so hope the girl does too! Her name is Anna. She will come in a minute so we have to be quick to prepare. Sit facing the door please Year 3. The girl is......here!" Miss Yates announced. The class clapped as Anna(the new girl) came through the door!

Chapter 3 Dinner
"Mum! Dad!Annaisgorgeousandshehasbrownhairuptohershoulderandthe
bottombitisniceandcurlyand..." Amy began, all excited about telling her parents about the new girl Anna. "Whoa! Steady Anna! Your like a horse eager to pounce on the jump courses of the race without the flag waving! Slow down!" Dad exclaimed, picking back up his knife and fork to have a forkful of peas.

"Whoops! Sorry Dad! Sorry Mum! She is just beautiful. She has brown hair up to her shoulder and the bottom bit is nice and curly. Today she wore a pink vest inside with a strap t-shirt outside. It had little diamond and circle shapes cut out. A pink ribbon was tied just below her chest. Then, Anna wore a...a... how can I describe it. Let's see. Okay! She wore a plain white flow-y dress. Oh! She's gorgeous!"

Chapter 4 Bad Luck Amy!
The next day was Wednesday. Amy put on her school clothes and had her breakfast. She practically skipped out to school. When she was at school, she saw Anna dressed in school uniform, still pretty! Her hair was tied in to 2 plaits. Her hair also still looked beautiful. Amy decided that she should ask Anna where she lived so she could walk to school with her as well as walking to school with her friends.
A week later
Amy's heart filled with jealousy. Why did her friends only talk to Anna?! Why weren't they walking to school with her anymore?! Why were they going to school with Anna everyday even though Anna knew the way?! Why didn't they let Anna talk to Amy or let her answer Amy's questions?! Why were they being unfair to everyone in the class?! This had to stop! 'If only I had a chance to talk to the teacher Privately! I'd tell her everything!'.

Chapter 5 Caught out!
On Tuesday, at school, Amy couldn't bear it any longer and tiptoed into class at playtime away from her mean selfish friends and kind caring Anna who's trying to make friends with Amy and everyone else, to Miss Yates who can solve this. Miss Yates was sitting there marking some work quietly. Sorry to interrupt you Miss Yates. I just have a problem at play and at class and lessons. As well as promises made by my best friends and normal friends."
"Yes Amy?"
"Well, it's like this." Amy began to explain.

She told the teacher about the broken promises, ignoring, no answers allowed, lies and her friends standing guard to Anna not letting anyone play with her or let her say anything to anyone or let anyone touch her like holding hands or shaking hands! When the friends were told, Anna had her freedom!

Epilogue: Friends?
Best of all, Everyone was friends with everyone now!