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Found on Birthday!(2)(M)

Ava scanned the table for her new book called 'Marietta's dress shop'. Milly and Billy stood there with their hands open. "Tilly?" she asked, knowing her younger sister Milly wouldn't have it and her younger brother Billy wouldn't either, but Tilly definitely was adventurous and would probably find it in the book's hiding place. You see, Ava hid the book in her bedroom's secret doorway to the attic.

Next time she would have to make it clear that noone could go in her bedroom unless there is company of her or her to supervise. They should knock and maybe she should put a sign in her secret bedroom in the attic. They had lots of secret rooms that were shared except one that they had privately to themselves. It was there secret attic bedrooms.

Tilly smiled sweetly as she did something behind her back like putting something small in her jean pockets. She reached out and laid her hands on the table. "What were you doing Tilly?" Billy asked. "You know if your hiding the small novel called Marietta whatever, you're getting us all grounded."
"And! We didn't do anything! Please just hand it to Ava and everything is sorted. Just don't go in her private bedroom where she hid it!" Milly pleaded.

In the attic, Ava sat there sobbing. She'd read The Fire bird but it didn't cheer her up.

The next month on her birthday
Ava still hadn't found it. The sweet smile had slipped off Tilly's face. She didn't have it really, she just wanted to know if she acted she did would they get fooled? They did! But now she explained it to the others, they didn't.

Birthday Time
Ava climbed in the attic and went through all the secret passages until she came to her bedroom one. She sat in her bed, praying for it to be found. The door flung open and Milly, Billy and Tilly burst in happily chorusing, "Happy Birthday!" very breathlessly. Seeing them all that happy, "Did you find 'Marietta's dress shop'?!" They all nodded panting.
Found on Birthday!