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Dear Diary,
Next Saturday, we're going to go on ship! It's so exciting and I have bought a new pair of Hello Kitty crocs to wear when we go swimming in the fun boat! It had a pretty little model of hello kitty fixed on with it's hole pressed and pushed in the holes.

I'm going to wear this blue fuzzy crafts pipe-cleaner wrist band that I hand made. It's pretty even though it's just a plain blue pipe-cleaner-for-crafts! It reminds me I can do anything if I keep my patience, because, it reminds me of the patience I needed when I made it. I needed patience to bend it in wrist band shape, and patience to twist the spare length around the thin bit making it nice and twirly. It didn't really show up. :(

I'm also going to pack some pretty sumer dresses. And definitely my goggles and swimming costume, if there a place where a swimming pool is near, I'm definitely going every day!

I just went to my dad's computer and it gave us a little tour telling us where is where. There is a library and I read books really fast and I read the 11-14 teen books and I love them! I'm going there everyday as well!
