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The Snowflake Family(M)

As the first snowflakes dropped down into the woods, a snowflake turned into a cottage. The second four snowflakes turned into the Snowflake family. A little girl, her mother, her father and of course, last but not least, her white puppy.

The Snowflake Family
"Hello, Snowy! It's breakfast time and my first day of school! I can't wait!" Winteria exclaimed. She put on her new school uniform and plaited her shiny light brown hair. Winteria checked in the mirror to see if she looked okay. She thought to herself, "Something is missing," and realized she'd probably look better with her snowflake clip on.

At school, Winteria was called to stand at the front and introduce herself. Winteria said, "My full name is Winterianis Delicata White- Snowflake but you can just call me Winteria.". Then, Winteria quickly went to sit in her seat. It was next to a pretty girl called Lily. Lily had light brown hair and smooth skin. She was kind to Winteria. Soon, she and Winteria made friends, best-est friends.

At play, Winteria skipped lightly with Lily and they huddled up in a corner and Winteria decided to ask a very important question.It was to ask if Lily was a snow fairy and if Lily wasn't, she'd die and turn back into a snowflake that didn't live ever again! "Ummm...Lily, are you a snow...um...a..snow..f..fan?". Winteria had changed her question abruptly. Lily giggled and nodded silently.

"What ya laughin' abou'?! Win'er girl? Ya such a delicate snowflake aren't ya?! C'mon Floreen, ignore those idiots! See ya, see ya, wouldn' wanna be ya!" and the bully and her follower(Perfecta and Floreen and Perfecta is the bully/gang leader)sort of cat-walked away.

          Next Spring time
Winterianis Delicata White-snowflake and Lily had magically disappeared! Perfecta and Floreen got a good telling off!

Back at Snowflake land
Winteria and Lily found each other and realized that each other were snowflake girls and were best-est friends forever!

The End!