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My horrid short journal(Totally Lucy) (M)

27th of November,
having breakfast,
cereal for your info.

Hi girls! Lucy Jessica Hartley here! I'm sitting in my new wicker chair writing this. I've seriously got to hurry because I need to go to Tilda's to have a look at the new mag that she's got and see if it's one that I've got but she says that it's something to do with hobbies and there are some competitions that suits us BFFs and I hope it's a fashion designer one for me!
Hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!That's me taking a deep breath and I'm sorry about that paragraph but I don't have time to punctuate it! My mum says I have to finish all my cereal and 3 horrible fairy cakes that I tried to bake on my own but it didn't turn out well! Oh! I need to go because I've finished my cereal and the fairy cakes and I really want to see the 3 competitions Tilda's going on about! Bye_____________

Still 27 Nov,
at my house now,
having OJ and wagon wheels.

Sorry about the weird ending but I just had to see it. Oh dear, I don't like this journal anymore! It only has a few pages left! Well, I have to quickly fill you in about what happened. Basically, it was already at the page and I saw it was a horrid drawing competition! I'm useless at drawing! I'm running out of space! Well I guess, bye!

Lucy Jesicca Hartley