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Dear Diary,
Today, I have a silly cold. By dose is also blogged. I mean, my nose is also blocked! Also, I've had a morning snooze from 10 to 2! I missed lunch so I just had croissant, well, mainly Rebecca had most of it and I had the rest! It has been a very horrible day. Right now it is 3:52 and 40 seconds. Let me check again later.

Diary, have you ever had a cold? I bet you haven't! Because if you haven't, then you are very lucky! I'll tel you that having a cold isn't a very nice experience! Normally, you have a blocked nose and a headache and sometimes, you even feel dizzy and want to do sick!

Well, changing the subject, you know I said I 'd check my digital watch later, well, tell you what, it's 3:59 and 30 seconds now! So, guess how long it took me to write this bit? 6 mins and 50 secs! That's how long it took me!

Hmmmm, what shall I say next?
I guess there’s only one thing that you and I should do!
And what's that?
Say bye bye! Please visit and tell me things like that again!
Well then, bye bye!
Bye bye!

Diary writing!
Me writing!

Don't get us mixed up!