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The sand is so hot,
Still I like it a lot,
The waves are so cool,
Shells shimmering like jewels,
That's all I will teach,
To you 'bout the beach,
Find out yourself,
You cheeky little elf!

to ant 
dear ant,
today a human bean has taught me lovely thin’s ’bout the beach. i will go to the beach tomrow ant(aunt)(tomorrow).me hope too(to)sea(see)u tomrow at the beach. wea(we) will see human bean tomrow!

your darlin’,

At the beach, Elfred did see his aunt! They had a fun time collecting shells and pebbles(tripping over rocks and tipping over the buckets, sometimes, even mistaking crabs as shells and getting snipped!) and making rubbish sand trees weeny elves could live in! They paddled and splashed (and mostly drowned) in the sea. What fun time it was(not!)!