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Grammar Schools Wallington-1(M)

Dear Diary,
Today I had my first Grammar School exam! It was Wallington Grammar School for Girls. It was so scary, well, at first it was because during the exam, I didn't feel so nervous anymore, I don't know why!

We, me and my friend Natalie, went in alone as our parents weren't allowed in with us. A man asked us if we needed the toilet and a pupil of Wallington took us there. Next, we met up with that group again and went to room G11. A brown-haired lady counted us, then, a different pupil led us to G9. The table was a larger one than I expected and also in a smaller room than I expected. I bagsied a seat behind Natalie and spread my things out. The test began...

The first subject we had to do was Verbal Reasoning which lasted for 50 minutes. I found that easy peasy so that went down okay, I did have extra time left over so I
checked through the paper.The next test was Maths, which was 40 minutes, went straight after.