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Mom, Ms. Sarah & Booklady

我是兩個孩子的媽咪. 我的學生叫我 Ms. Sarah. 為什麼叫 Booklady 呢? 這跟我的工作有關. 以前在美國的時候, 我是奧斯朋(Usborne books / EDC publishing)童書的教育顧問 (www.usborn.com) (註:小天下翻譯了很多 Usborne 的科學和美術書, 青林出版社有翻譯一些它的藝術書籍.) 我以前有位同事說, 她們家附近的孩子都叫她"booklady", 因為知道在她家總是可以找到好書來閱讀. 因此我也這樣期許自己,能當個 "Booklay"--希望能跟大家分享優質(我們的書是從美國圖書館來的)又便宜(約為市價 3-4折)的英文童書,並提倡親子英文共讀,享受英文悅讀的樂趣.

這就是我. 以後有時間也會在這裡分享一些自己的心情故事--如果我有時間的話. 呵~~

I'm a mom of 2 sweet kids and my students call me Ms. Sarah. I call myself Booklady because of my work. I used to be an Usborne Educational Consultant in the States. (http://www.usborne.com ) One of my fellow consultant friends once said that she was known as the "booklady" in her community, becasue all the kids knew that they could always find a good book to read in her house. So now being a booklady becomes my goal-- I want to share good English books with people around me and to instill a love for English reading in our children, and to encourage the parents in Taiwain to read English books to their young childern like the way they do in terms of Chinese books.

This is who I am. I will also record some of my thoughts here from time to time, if I EVER have the time. LOL.