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[歌謠韻文] Bananas Unite (初級版)

敬請期待! 本周每個班都可以看到 Sarah 的"勁歌熱舞" 喔. 呵~ ^^

Calling Bananas of The World!
Bananas Unite! Bananas Split!

Bananas to the left.
Bananas to the right.

Go Bananas, go go bananas!
Go Bananas, go go bananas!
Peel your banana. Yum, take a bite!

Calling Bananas of The World!
Bananas Unite! Bananas Split!

Slide to the left
Slide to the right

Go Bananas, go go bananas!
Go Bananas, go go bananas!
Peel your banana. Yum, take a bite!