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◎訂購代碼 :BC-002 ◎書名: 秋季有聲書組合套書1 ◎價格: NT$1550(包含國際運費NT$420/均價NT$111) ◎適用年齡: 4-7 ◎含7書7CD ◎每本約40頁 ◎ISBN 13: 9780545657822 書目清單: ◎ Clark the Shark ◎ Count the Monkeys ◎ Froggy's Worst Playdate ◎ Have Fun, Molly Lou Melon ◎ Llama Llama Time to Share ◎ Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons ◎ Skippyjon Jones --------------------------------------------------- ◎訂購代碼 : BC-008 ◎書名: 幼稚園生精選組合1 ◎價格: NT$1050元(含國際運費NT$240/均價NT$131) ◎適用年齡: 5-7 ◎含4書4CD ◎每本約40頁 ◎ISBN 13: 9780545419109 書目清單: ◎Pirates Go to School book ◎Peanut Butter and Homework Sandwiches book ◎Even Monsters Need Haircuts book ◎If You Give a Cat a Cupcake book ------------------------------------------------------ ◎訂購代碼 : BC-009 ◎書名: 幼稚園生精選組合2 ◎價格: 950元 (含國際運費NT$240/均價NT$119) ◎適用年齡: 3-6 ◎含4書4CD ◎每本約40頁 ◎ISBN 13: 9780545509657 書目清單: ◎ The Chimpansneeze ◎ Froggy Builds a Tree House ◎ Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site ◎ Ten Little Caterpillars ------------------------------------------ ◎訂購代碼 : BC-010 ◎書名: 幼稚園生精選組合3 ◎價格: 950元 (含國際運費NT$240/均價NT$119) ◎適用年齡: 3-6 ◎含4書4CD ◎每本約40頁 ◎ISBN 13: 9780545513333 書目清單: ◎ The Gingerbread Man Loose in the School ◎ If You Give a Dog a Donut ◎ Skippyjon Jones: Class Action ◎ Pete the Cat: Rocking in My School Shoes -------------------------------------------------------- ◎訂購代碼 :BC-013 ◎書名: 節慶有聲書組合套書1(聖誕節/感恩節) ◎價格: 850元 (含國際運費NT$240/均價NT$106) ◎適用年齡: 4-7 ◎含4書4CD ◎每本約40頁 ◎ISBN 13: 9780545671057 書目清單: ◎ Bear Says Thanks ◎ Charlie and the Christmas Kitty ◎ Snowmen at Work by Caralyn Buehner ◎ Who Will Carve the Turkey This Thanksgiving? -------------------------------------------------------- ◎訂購代碼 :BC-002 ◎書名: 秋季有聲書組合套書1 ◎價格: NT$1550(包含國際運費NT$420/均價NT$111) ◎訂購代碼 : BC-008 ◎書名: 幼稚園生精選組合1 ◎價格: NT$1050元(含國際運費NT$240/均價NT$131) ◎訂購代碼 : BC-009 ◎書名: 幼稚園生精選組合2 ◎價格: 950元 (含國際運費NT$240/均價NT$119) ◎訂購代碼 : BC-010 ◎書名: 幼稚園生精選組合3 ◎價格: 950元 (含國際運費NT$240/均價NT$119) ◎訂購代碼 :BC-013 ◎書名: 節慶有聲書組合套書1(聖誕節/感恩節) ◎價格: 850元 (含國際運費NT$240/均價NT$106) 1550+1050+950+950+850+80=5430