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Quotes by Luciano Pavarotti
People sign a visitors book outside Modena's cathedral where the body of Italian tenor Luciano Pavarotti, pictured in the frame, lays in state, Italy, Friday, Sept. 7, 2007, a day after his death. The body of Luciano Pavarotti lay in state at the city's cathedral Friday as thousands of people queued to pay their respects to the opera singer whose charisma and voice were celebrated around the world. (AP Photo/Antonio Calanni)

By The Associated Press
Quotes by Luciano Pavarotti, taken from his 1995 autobiography: "Pavarotti: My World," by Luciano Pavarotti and William Wright.

以下的嘉言錄節錄自帕華洛帝和William Wright合著的自傳:<帕華洛帝:我的世界>
"I am a very simple person. In spite of all that has happened to me, I have tried to remain the simple person I started out."


"Every day I remind myself of all that I have been given. ... With singing, you never know when you are going to lose the voice, and that makes you appreciate the time that you have when you are still singing well. I am always thanking God for another season, another month, another performance."

「每天我都會提醒自己要(知道)感恩被賜予的一切。… 在歌唱中,你無法知道何時會失去嗓音,而那就會讓你珍惜自己還能作良好歌唱表現的這些所有時光。我總會感謝上帝次賜予了我另一個季節,另一個月的時間,另一場表演。」

"As an art form, opera is a rare and remarkable creation. For me, it expresses aspects of the human drama that cannot be expressed in any other way, or certainly not as beautifully."


"It is not always a matter of wild ovations and legendary performances. Sometimes you are just happy to get through an opera without trouble."


On the "Three Tenors" concert in Rome in 1990, also featuring Placido Domingo and Jose Carreras:

1990年在羅馬舉辦的「三大男高音」演唱會,還有(由)Placido Domingo和Jose Carreras兩位參與主唱。

"For all three of us, the Caracalla concert was a major event in our lives. I hope I am not immodest to think it was also unforgettable for most of the people who were present."


"Nothing that has happened has made me feel gloomy or remain depressed. I love my life."


英文文章來源: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070906/ap_on_en_mu/pavarotti_quotes_1

最近歌劇界「歌王」的帕華洛帝辭世,令我感到很意外,也悼念起一代歌王的殞落。其實自己對古典音樂和歌劇一直並沒有很熱中,但是曾經有一整年代理時任教非自己本科的表演藝術,針對教科書中的歌劇作過一番探究和欣賞,於是聽了很多遍帕華洛帝唱的<杜蘭朵公主>劇中著名詠唱曲 “Nessun Dorma”(「誰也不許睡」;「公主徹夜未眠」),真的讓我覺得歌劇也蠻好聽的,而且在高亢嘹喨歌聲中傳達出戲劇的張力,並且可自成一首首感人歌曲。而後我又接觸了音樂劇的相關影音資料,雖然從音樂劇中發現到熟悉的現代音樂成分(可採用電子音樂、或聽起來像搖滾的音樂),但是歌劇歌手伴隨古典樂演奏,較少借助麥克風,以歌唱實力表現出高亢、渾厚、激昂、悲壯的音樂,真的令人佩服。

With singing, you never know when you are going to lose the voice, and that makes you appreciate the time that you have when you are still singing well. I am always thanking God for another season, another month, another performance.