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Billy Elliot 音樂劇

改編自電影《舞動人生》,舞台劇BE的故事劇情在主線並無太大的改變,看過電影的絕對不會難以理解。比起電影有趣的地方,是舞台劇免不了就是要唱歌、跳舞、獨特的舞台設計、演技豐富的演員,和許多幽默吸引人的對白。Elton John的加入,是BE另一個成功的重點。不用我說Elton有多麼會製作音樂了?他為BE設計的每一首歌,都讓人難以忘記它的旋律,直到現在我還是偶爾會情不自禁地哼起『Electricity』、『He Could be a Star』甚至是『Dear Billy』...

他略帶憂鬱表情,演技羞澀,但一旦立起腳尖就隨即成為舞台焦點的 Dancing Boy - Liam Mower。

ELTON JOHN lyrics - "Electricity"

(Music by Elton John, Lyrics by Lee Hall)

I can't really explain it, I haven't got the words
It's a feeling that you can't control
I suppose it's like forgetting, losing who you are
And at the same time something makes you whole

It's like that there's a music, playing in your ear
And I'm listening, and I'm listening, and then I disappear

And then I feel a change, like a fire deep inside
Something bursting me wide open, impossible to hide
And suddenly I'm flying, flying like a bird
Like Electricity, electricity
Sparks inside of me, and I'm free, I'm free

It's a bit like being angry; it's a bit like being scared
Confused and all mixed up and mad as hell
It's like when you've been crying
And you're empty and you're full
I don't know what it is, it's hard to tell

It's like that there's some music, playing in your ear
But the music is impossible, impossible to hear

But then I feel it move me
Like a burning deep inside
Something bursting me wide open
Impossible to hide
And suddenly I'm flying
Flying like