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嘉嘉&昕恩的媽 ~Tiffany








MOVING FROM CRIB TO BED The transition from crib to bed is more than just a change in sleeping arrangements – it's a major milestone separating infancy from childhood. How do you know when your little one is ready? There's really no set time for leaving the crib, but most little ones make the move somewhere between the ages of 18 months and 3. If your child has outgrown the crib or is repeatedly trying to climb over the sides, it's time for a bed. Another good reason for the switch is to facilitate bathroom trips once potty training begins. Perhaps the most common motivation is the imminent arrival of a new sibling. In that case, it's best to make the change a few months ahead of time, so your toddler doesn't feel displaced by the new baby. Whenever you decide to make the move, providing a bed that's as comforting as it is comfortable will keep your child safe and ease the transition for everyone. Here are some tips on how to do it: A twin bed can seem large after a crib, so pile blankets or stuffed animals at either end to make it cozier (Some parents prefer to start with a toddler bed, which is slightly smaller than a twin.) Place the bed against a wall to give your child a feeling of security. If space allows, choose a bed frame with a tall headboard and footboard, or a sleigh bed to emulate the comforting walls of a crib. A guardrail on the open side will prevent your child from rolling out of bed at night. Position a nightstand within easy reach. It will provide a convenient place for bedtime stories and a cup of water if your child wakes up thirsty. Make sure to keep tall furniture away from the bed to prevent him from trying to climb onto it. If the bed is high, place a step stool nearby to make it easier to get in and out. If your child wants to keep using an old crib blanket for a while, let him, even if it's too small. Its familiarity will be reassuring. Some kids find a sleeping bag comforting, since it re-creates the feeling of a crib. Check your childproofing. Now that your little one isn't confined at night, make sure there are no hazards in the room, or in other areas he has access to.