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letter to Miss Cassetta

也是花花和Miss Cassetta一年相處的尾聲;
一定要Miss Cassetta知道,馬麻的感謝!


Dear Miss Cassetta,

I am writing this letter to say thank you,
thank you for all the wonderfulness in the past year...
and I am also writing this letter to let you know,
how significant a role you have played in Andrea's tender young life.

You are her first ever English teacher.
She learned the language mostly, from you.
The way she talks, the smile she smiles, the shrug she shrugs,
oh I see you!
And you are the person who, other than her Daddy and I, gets to spend the most time with her.
Other than her Daddy and I, you are probably the person in the whole wide world that knows her the best.

As Andrea's mother,
I am completely and utterly amazed by the progress she has made,
the transformation she has been through in the past year.
And in all the amazingness and wonderfulness that happened in the fifth year of Andrea's life,
you are profoundly part of it.

I know Andrea loves you with all her heart,
and I thank you, with all my heart.

Please keep up the good work,
for there are more tiny hearts like Andrea's and big hearts like mine waiting to love and to thank,
in the many many years to come!

Thank you, Miss Cassetta!