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Sean and Sophie mom

Sean's story 1

我們家Sean 這一學年很奇怪
Math, Science, Social Study 都不算很好
反而 writing 很不錯
尤其是 Science 課老師要他們寫的 story 都寫得不錯


題目; Story Writing: What's the Matter?
Story Writing tells a fictional tale with a beginning, a middle, and an end. A story has a plot, characters, and settings.

Imagine you are a scientist who has just discovered a new type of matter.

Before you begin, make a list of the properties of your new kind of matter.

Now tell a story about how the matter takes over your lab.

I returned to my lab to find all my test tubes broken! Gone was the greenish slime that I had cooked up the day before. I followed a slime trail to......

好啦, 以下是 Sean's writing ---

I returned to my lab to find all my test tubes broken! Gone was the greenish slime that I had cooked up the day before. I followed a slime trail to the basement. Fire was burning everywhere! I looked at the slime. It was turning to another color every 30 seconds ! Project X-200 ! It is the most dangerous substance I examined. It can explode if something gets to near it. It is almost like a lion, since it has its features like it, but not the body.

I went back up to my lab and took out my extra tubes. Quickly making a simple invisibility potion. I looked back at my test sheets to see its weakness. NOOOOO! The sacred piece of paper was inked with some slime. I was completely vulnerable. However, I took my thought off the problem and stirred the invisibility portion.

Soon, I was finished with it and drank it in one gulp. I took a flask and charged to the basement. There, I found Project X-200 close to the energy generator. I dashed over there and tried to scoop it up. It turned smaller and burned my hand. AHHHH! I took some gloves and put them on. I was not going to have a completely burnt hand forever. I chased after the dangerous slime. Finally, I caught up to it and caught it in the flask. I went back to my lab and took a metal box. I put it inside and hoped it would stay there. But the next day ...

Sean 的 story 很喜歡來個待續的 ending.