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Prenatal Yoga

I finally signed up the prenatal Yoga package today.
Found out this place through www.singaporemotherhood.com. The fee sounds reasonable, at least is cheaper than Baby n Cream which was recommended by other friends...But not sure if it''s good...
The lady who teaches us YOGA just gave the birth eight months ago...And the funny thing is she is Tooping''s secondary school junior...She pointed at Tooping and said, "I know you, you are from River Valley, right?" But hubby is so forgetful that he couldn''t remember her name...(still can''t now)...
Prenatal Yoga is a bit different from the usual one. It emphasizes more on stretching and breathing...Tooping and I ever attended the Yoga classes held by community center. 10 sessions only cost SGD 50...much cheaper than this prenatal thing. But we were too lazy that we only went there for four times...
It''s all for Pitan...Hope Pitan can be healthier and easy to be delivered after I finsih the Yoga clas...