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SSCC training team presentaton performance concert


霏霏除了參加學校的合唱團,她今年也加入了Singapore Symphony Children's Choir的preparatory training team. 參加SSCC,其實是媽咪我的主意。因為之前霏霏說她喜歡唱歌,媽咪我又看到網上在招生,所以就帶霏去audition。只是沒想到進了以後,發現學校也被選進合唱團,難以抉擇的她就決定倆個都參加了… 每個星期六,近3個小時的練習,其實是很辛苦的(爸爸載來載去很累…)可是霏霏非常樂在其中,且樂此不疲。她告訴我們她被選上去唱Descant,被選中的有三個,其中有二個是Soprano,只有她是Auto。今天去看成果發表,才知道原來Descant是有站出來唱的! 和學校合唱團的表演服不同,SSCC的是穿平常練習的制服Tshirt,搭配深色牛仔褲。霏從來沒有穿過牛仔褲,我上星期帶她去買,找不到童裝適合的,最後竟然在Cotton on買大人的最小號,連褲管都不用改!OMG,怎麼有大人穿的下這種SIZE?後來研究一下,該是那種超級瘦的人的緊身七份褲,霏穿來是合身的鬆緊牛仔褲不過我家霏霏真的是長大了呢! 今天的成果發表會不長,只有一小時,可是票是當場去排隊的。11:15開始,結果我們準時到的時候,竟然已經有長長的人龍了。果然家長們都很捧場又kiasu... 最烏龍的是,因為大家都穿制服,頭髮也都綁的差不多一樣。媽咪我第一首歌都找不到霏霏在那裡。拿著手機營幕悄聲問兒子,霏霏在哪,兒子還信心滿滿的指了前排右側第三個,結果我們母子倆就"看"了錯誤的霏霏整首歌。直到第二首,霏從中間第二排走出來唱Descant,我們才恍然大悟一直認錯了人…還好爸爸還不算老花,有認出霏霏,拍到幾張她的照片。 最後的大合唱是所有TRAINING TEAM一起上台,老師說,他們唯一一次的彩排,大家一起練唱是今天早上9:30,因為平常大家的課都是不一樣的時間。可是大家真的是合作無間,兒童合唱團真的是天籟呢!



品澈在校醫的幫助下,拔下了最後一個乳牙。讓醫生拔而不是讓他自然掉,是因為品澈要開始漫長的矯正牙齒的旅程了。 兩年前,我們在校醫的referral下,去了National Dental Center排隊。新加坡的國立牙科中心,有專門的矯正牙齒的門診,而且也給予新加坡人優惠,只是要排隊罷了, 所以我們在兩年前就開始排,排到現在,剛好可以開始進行… 品澈的牙,大概遺傳到了媽咪的不整齊牙,更慘的是,他也有下顎突出(扈斗)的問題。幸運的是,還不用戴到下顎矯正器。在10月23日的門診,醫生說品澈要移除二顆乳牙,其中一隻已經搖搖欲墜了,另一隻還堅如盤石。NDC的醫生建議我們讓校醫拔,因為是免費的…這點星星國的小學還蠻不錯的,每個學校都有牙醫,會定期幫小朋友做牙齒檢查,所以拔牙都是免費的。不過校醫的排診也是一次拔一顆,所以第一顆快掉的牙就排在上星期三,剩下的一顆就是今天了。 星期三晚上,品澈把牙給媽咪看,然後要要回去說要放在枕頭下,可是媽咪我覺得那牙好髒,就先泡在漱口水裡。他說那牙仙就不能給錢了。媽咪我終於問了他,你知道牙仙是誰嗎?品澈笑而不答,反而是霏霏說,是媽咪!我說,啥咪?你們知道是我。(其實這些年來我們一直沒戳破,雖然我心裡早覺得小朋友們老早就知道了。)雞婆的霏說,當然知道啊,連 Santa 都是爸媽,當然牙仙也是爸爸和媽媽了!(啥米,連Santa也知道?)我問品澈說你怎麼從沒問,品澈說,問了可能就沒禮物或錢了,他就play along…原來這些年,被唬弄的是我們爸媽,不是這些小朋友。我就和兒子說,既然這樣,那牙仙退休了。這次沒錢了。兒子的臉馬上就夸了下來,聽到沒銅板臉都黑了…還說牙仙不可以不守信用…哈哈。兒子還真的很會精打細算,他對於他的零用錢或是這些獎金可是非常小氣的。 今天兒子拿了最後一顆牙齒回來,好臭啊!我和他說,這麼臭的牙齒,牙仙不給錢,還要扣錢,他的臉又夸下來了。哈哈。晚上時,媽咪我寫了一張牙仙的退休宣言,也給了他最後的牙仙錢,不只一個金幣(新幣一元),這次二顆牙齒給了他一張5元鈔。告訴他因為這最後一隻牙打了麻藥,他是勇敢的小孩。(想想兒子也真是勇敢,自已在學校拔牙,想我以前最怕的就是拔牙和打針,我絕對不敢一個人去的)。 看了兒子的乳牙盒,共18顆。因為有一隻在飛機上吃飛機餐又吐了時掉的,媽咪我不想在一堆嘔吐物裡尋找他的牙,牙的紀念性不夠讓媽咪做出此等犧牲。另一顆也是他在學校掉的,可是拿回家時,不知為何掉了。可能媽咪把它失手沖到馬桶裡了。 看了這一堆牙,突然覺得好噁心啊,零散的牙齒看起來真的很恐怖…

NUSHigh DSA Tea session


今早和兒子去參加NUS high school of math and science DSA tea session and school preview. 一開始有幾個現仼學生的分享學校生活和社團經驗,學校很貼心地準備餐點,看兒子吃的津津有味,都不知道他有沒有認真在聽學長姐的分享。接下來有校長的致辭,我們也才更瞭解這個學校的成立,原來是現任的副總理Teo Chee Hean 在1997年參觀完美國的Thomas Jefferson High school for Science and Technology , 就開始著手在新加坡也成立這樣的的數理中學,培養國家未來的數理科技人才, "STEM"! 接下來還有另一位老師更詳細的介紹了學校的課程,還有一些校友的故事。媽咪我聽了都很想來念這個學校呢! 接下來每個小朋友都有機會去體驗三堂課。之前他們就有讓小朋友先放自己的wishlist, 兒子最後被排到的是1.CS 2. math, 3 English. 本來想說讓他自己去上,媽咪我先回家,一點再接他,可是爸爸中途先去學校接打羽球的妹妹,我就只好先留在學校看兒子上課。 第一堂是電腦課,老師一開始問在場的小朋友,有做coding的舉手,幾乎每個小朋友都舉手了!老師問大家做什麼programming, 媽咪我聽到有人回HTML, 另一個媽咪我也不知道是什麼,然後老師問有會Python 的舉手, 就剩下兒子和另一個小朋友的手還舉著。老師就說那等一下的一些簡單的程式對他們來說應該算容易,因為是Python. 兒子的Python是自學的,也不知道他什麼時候瞭解這個且有興趣的,記得有次在Cindra 姨家,士昐叔叔借了他的Python for kids給兒子,好像那就是啟蒙吧!後來兒子去圖書館借書,就會借Python程式設計的書。說真的科技日新月異,媽咪我那個年代學的好像還在C++吧!Python 是啥時冒出來的呀?最近我家爸爸也開始接觸Python , 結果兒子變成爸爸的老師。😅 接下來是數學課,也是兒子愛的,今天的課上的一些數列的問題,非常有趣!連媽咪我都忍不住拿出紙筆,一起參與呢!最後一堂是英文課,問兒子怎麼選英文課呢?他說他沒選,這是被分到的,因為之前選的可能都太熱門,他選物理,可是沒有被分到。看來今天大部分的小孩都會被分到一堂英文。英文今天是上寫詩,有些小孩寫的詩真的很有創意喲!下課時,果然被媽咪猜到,兒子根本沒有完成任何一首詩…他果然混過去了!希望以後如果真的上課,不要這般混才好。 回家的時候下起傾盆大雨,我們等爸爸去開車來接我們的時候,和其他同學的媽媽聊了一下天。我們都覺得這些小男生都長大了,都會一直好像要避開媽媽的感覺,寧願和同學在那邊打屁聊天,😔。現在的他們都在如火如荼的準備小六會考,希望這群小朋友們都能金榜題名喔!



霏霏在我們心中,是搞笑的,無厘頭的,有點嬌縱又任性的。所以有時在心裡面,真的會有為什麼霏霏沒有哥哥乖的感嘆… 可是今天和霏的對話,又讓媽咪覺得她是乖巧又懂事的小孩。從歐洲回來,霏一直受著時差的困擾。尤其剛回來前幾天,小米的睡眠monitor,她都是睜眼到12點多一點多才睡著。開學這一星期,她似乎恢復規律了,不只十點睡,她是九點就要上床準備就寢了。而且不用我們三催四請,她自己刷牙換睡衣就上床了。我擔心她是不是太累了,下午沒睡午覺?她告訴我,"媽咪,不是的,我想要早點上床睡覺,這樣我隔天早上就不會賴床,可以早一點起床,squeez time來摺被子"。"摺被子?"我心裡大驚?問她為什麼要折被子? 她說星期五有好公民CME的課(像我們以前小時候的生活倫理課),她說,老師說,不要去想未來妳想要當科學家還是什麼偉大的志向,先看每天早上,有沒有自己折被子,這是規律自己的第一步。如果沒有的,試著從明天開始,學習作一個好公民。霏霏說她覺得很有道理,所以她要身体力行,每天自己折被子…媽咪實在是太感動了,霏霏竟然這麼懂事,把老師說的聽進去了!! 不是當耳邊風,聽聽就算。突然覺得小孩子都很善良,怎麼教他們,他們就會怎麼長大… 希望霏霏這個好習慣能繼續維持…

Day8 Colgne


Visit Cologne old town area (15min drive from apartment). There are a number of car parks. A centrally located one is Parkhaus Hohe Straße, Marspfortengasse 10, 50667 Köln, Germany. Breakfast at either (1) Funkhaus Cafe Bar Restaurant. Wallrafplatz 5, 50667 Cologne, or (2) Merzenich Backereien. Wallrafplatz 4, 50667 Cologne Take a walk through the following attractions • Cologne Cathedral. This giant Gothic cathedral, which until its completion in 1880 had been under construction for over 500 years, is perhaps Germany's most famous religious structure and includes two huge towers that serve as the defining symbol of Cologne's skyline. • 4711 Eau de Cologne (optional) • Fragrance Museum Farina-House - Get a whiff of the place where Eau de Cologne was born. Learn about perfume essences and attractions and let your nose lead you thorough history. Guided tour required, pre-booking recommended. • Alter Markt Possible Lunch places: (1) Gast und Weinhaus Brungs. Marsplatz 3-5, 50667 Cologne. Good Trip advisor review. (2) Keule. Heumarkt 56-58, Cologne. Good Trip advisor review. (3) Hauxenhaus豬腳百年名店 (Haxe是豬腳,Schweinshaxe是烤的豬腳,Eisbein則是煮的豬腳。). Frankenwerft 19, 50667 Cologne Take a Cologne Cruise by KD. Daily up to 6 departures 10:30, 12:00, 13:30, 15:00, 16:30, 18:00. One hour Panorama cruise with explanations of the sights. Family ticket (2 Adults & 2 Children) ? 28. Frankenwerft 35, 50667 Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany In the afternoon, visit Cologne Chocolate Museum (Sat/Sunday open 11:00 - 19:00 hours, Mondays closed). Parking is available at underground carpark “Rheinauhafen”. The underground car park is very long so drive to the end of the red zone and use the final staircase, 1.01. An elevator can be found at exit 1.03. In the evening, option to visit KolnTriangle’s Observatory (3 euros. Open until 10 p.m.)

Day6 Brussels to Luxembourg City


Travel from Brussels to Luxembourg City. Stop by Han-sur-Lesse (1.5 hr from Brussels) to visit The Cave of Han. A century-old tram will take you to the entrance of one of the most beautiful caves in Europe. From the gigantic Hall of the Dome to the Hall of the Draperies with its magic reflections, you will experience the most unforgettable trip in time. The Cave of Han is exceptional in the beauty of its concretions and the immensity of its galleries, sculpted by the River Lesse which passes through it from one side to the other. It richly deserves its three stars in the Michelin Green Guide. Drive to Luxembourg City (1.5hr). Check in to hotel: Novotel Suites Luxembourg, 13, Av. J.F. Kennedy, Kirchberg, L-1855 Luxembourg. This hotel allows check in by 1200. Drive, or take a 30minute walk (recommended) to the city centre. Walk through the fort ruins and forest. Once at the bottom there is a glass lift that takes you up to street level of the city. Visit attractions in the old town: • Casemates du Bock - Luxembourg was founded in the 10th century with the construction of a castle on a nearly impenetrable rock at the tip of the current old town. Beneath this former castle (it’s now in ruins) are 17 km of tunnels carved out of the rock that was used for storage and defense of the castle in the middle ages. The tunnels open up on all ends to panoramic views of the city and the valley below. • Le Chemin de La Corniche (Europe’s Most Beautiful Balcony) • Place de La Constitution (Constitution Square ) - view the "Gëlle Fra", a monument set up in 1923 to commemorate the Luxembourgers who perished in WWI. • Bibliotheque Nationale and the impressive Cathedrale Notre-Dame. • Have a cup of chocolate at the nearby famous Chocolate House (20 r. du Marché-aux-Herbes). The Chocolate House offers a selection of more than 30 different types of homemade hot chocolate and is located right across the street from the Royal Palace. • Petrusse Casemates In the late pm, option to visit the Grund (Luxembourgish: Gronn), a quarter in central Luxembourg City, in southern Luxembourg. It is located in the valley below the centre of Luxembourg City on the banks of the Alzette River and, in addition to being a picturesque area, is a popular nightlife precinct which can be accessed by foot or via a lift which descends through the cliff. Possible dinning places: (1) Bistro Podenco. 5 Allee Pierre de Mansfeld, Luxembourg City 2118, Luxembourg Open for lunch and Dinner Tue-Sunday. (2) Cle de Sol. 1 Place de l'Europe, Luxembourg City 1499, Luxembourg. Inside Philharmonie Luxembourg (theatre). 500m from hotel. (3) Le Stubli. Above average lunch and dinner next door in Sofitel Europe building (4) Bosso. 7, Bisserweg, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg. On the Grund.

Day3-South of Amsterdam Aalsmeer—Hague- Delft - Rotterdam


Start the day early. Leave Amsterdam around 7am and drive south. Fisrt stop at the town of Aalsmeer (40min away) to visit Royal FloraHolland (Legmeerdijk 313, Aalsmeer). Witness the largest flower auction in the world. Open till 1100 but the best time to view the Dutch auction process is from 7.00-9.00am Monday-Friday. Parking is free for visitors. Park on the parking roof (P23 white). Download the IZI.TRAVEL app. Open the izi.TRAVEL app en click on the compass button on the lower left side of your screen. Type in 'Aalsmeer' via the search bar and open the Royal FloraHolland audiotour. Continue to Hague (50min), the former capital of the Netherlands and its third largest city. • Visit Madurodam, 0900-2000. a famous miniature park. Marvel at scale models of Holland attractions replicated in minute detail. George Maduroplein 1, 2584, The Hague, The Netherlands. Follow the “Parking” signs in order to safely and cheaply park your car at Madurodam • If time permit, stop at the Peace Palace, which houses the International Court of Justice. Carnegieplein 2, 2517 KJ, The Hague, The Netherlands. Continue to Delft (30min). • Visit the Royal Tomb in the New Church (Nieuwe Kerk), the burial tomb of Willem of Orange (1533-1584) who is considered the founding father of the Netherlands. Address: Markt 80, Delft. • Optional stop by the Oude Kerk (Old Church). • Continue 10min drive to Royal Delft (open 0900-1700) for a visit to the last remaining Delftware (代?夫特蓝陶) manufacturer. Admire the 17th century hand painted Delft pottery or pick up a modern version by Dutch designer Marcel Wanders. Address: Rotterdamseweg 196, 2628 AR Delft. There is free parking at the sides and back of the building. It is prohibited to park at the front of the building in the busparking. End the day in Rotterdam (30min away). Check in to hotel. Sewdien’s Apartment Maashaven, Maashaven Nz 455, Feijenoord 3072 AE Rotterdam. Free WIFI, parking charges apply. Estimated arrival 1700-1800. If arrive too early will visit Markthal Rotterdam first. If delay need to inform Sewdien’s Apartment Maashaven. Phone: +31 6 17913883 Dinner at Markthal Rotterdam. 10min drive from hotel. Open 10:00 to 20:00. Dominee Jan Scharpstraat 298, 3011 GZ Rotterdam, The Netherlands. The market has plenty of parking immediately beneath it. Possible restaurant choice in Markthal: FfF Fresh Food Friends – good review, ave+ price. Drop by the old harbour and the Kijk-Kubus (Show-Cube) nearby. These strange little cube houses are an icon of Rotterdam.

Day 2- Amsterdam + Volendam/Zaanse Schans


In the morning, take an excursion to visit the Dutch Countryside 0800-1130: Leave around 8am and drive 30min to Volendam, Holland’s best-known fishing village. • Stop by a cheese factory for a demonstration of how cheese is made. Every available cheese has samples to taste so you can pick exactly what you want! • Alida Hoeve Cheese Farm & Wooden shoe factory. Alida Hoeve en De Vriendschap, Zeddeweg 1, 1131 CW Volendam. 8.30 am to 6.00 pm. OR • Cheese Factory Volendam. Haven 25 | 1131EP, Volendam, Nederland, 1131 EP Volendam, The Netherlands. 0930-1830. • Visit the Marina. Pieterman 12, 1131 PW Volendam, The Netherlands. Brunch at the Marina. 1130-1500: Drive 30min to Zaanse Schans, a residential area in which the 18th and 19th centuries are brought to life. Stroll past the bakery museum and enjoy the smell of fresh bread. Not to miss the pewter foundry and the various windmills. There are also cheese factory and clogs warehouse here (though reviews said are smaller and more like shops). The Zaanse Schans is a unique part of the Netherlands, full of wooden houses, mills, barns and workshops. Most attractions open 9am-5pm. Return to Hotel in Amsterdam (30min). 1500-1700: Buy train ticket (run by NS, not covered by GVB card) to take a train from Amsterdam Sloterdijk to Amsterdam Centraal. Take Metro 51/53/54 or Tram 9/14 to Waterlooplein. Walk 400m to Gassan Diamond. Total trip including walking 30min. Cater some time for ticket queue. Visit Gassan Diamonds to join a free ~40min tour (sales intended) to see a diamond-cutting demo. Nieuwe Uilenburgerstraat 173-175, 1011 LN Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 0900-1700. Need to book tour online beforehand. Requested 1630, waiting for confirmation. 1700 onwards: Return to Amsterdam Centraal from Waterlooplein. Visit the city centre for dinner and photo stop at Dam Square, Royal Palace, Church of Amsterdam, National Monument. Take an Amsterdam Canals Cruise along Amsterdam’s UNESCO-listed canals. Daily frequent departures from 09.00 - 22.00 h.

Day 1-Dusseldorf-Amsterdam


0630-0830: Arrive Düsseldorf at 0630 in the morning. Pick up car. Grab along some takeaway lunch (the Open-Air Museum does not have much for lunch). 0830-1000: Drive to Netherlands Open-Air Museum, Hoeferlaan 4, 6816 SG Arnhem, The Netherlands. 1000-1300: The Netherlands Open Air Museum has a great line-up of pictures, clothing, toys and many other objects from the past. But this isn’t an ordinary museum. The wheelwright, blacksmith, fisherman, miller and many farmers are waiting for you and they can use an extra hand. So prepare to do some honest labor before you get a chance to taste some of the traditional Dutch foods and drinks. Open 1000-1700 in June. 1300-1500: Continue to Amsterdam (1hr 20min). Check into MEININGER Hotel Amsterdam City West. Orlyplein 1-67, Westpoort 1043 DR Amsterdam, Netherlands, Phone +31 20 808 0502, +31 20 808 0502. Free WIFI. Charged parking. 2min walk to Metro. NOTE: Carparks in Central Amsterdam are expensive and not safe. Car breaking-in is common so is better to leave car in hotel. 1500-1800: Walk to Station Sloterdijk to buy GVB 2-day tickets to cover transport GVB Metro/Tram/Bus. Visit Van Gogh Museum. Open 0900-1700. Take Tram 12 from Station Sloterdijk to Van Baerlestraat (15 min from Station Sloterdijk) then walk 150m. From Van Gogh Museum take tram 16 to Weteringcircuit and walk to Heineken Experience, Stadhouderskade 78, 1072 AE in Amsterdam. Journey will take 15min. Alternatively, walking directly from Van Gogh Museum ~1km is actually faster. 1800 onwards: Dinner nearby then visit Heineken Experience (Brewery Tour, 2-3hrs). Monday to Thursday last entry & ticket sales at 17:30. Friday to Sunday last entry & ticket sales at 19:00. Possible dinner place: Piadina Bar next door, Stadhouderskade 82A, 1073 AT Amsterdam, Netherlands Return to Hotel. Via the same way, OR take Tram 7 from Weteringcircuit to De Vlugtlaan and transfer to Metro 50 to Amsterdam Sloterdijk. Approx 35-40min including walking.