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Shichida 6

We came back from Desaru yesterday so today Pitan is able to go to his favorite Shichida Class.
It's still Mommy who went into classroom with Pitan. Papa took LO's papa to PAGE one in VIVO City.
Pitan is like an "old bird"...He went straight into the classroom and sat down at his own place...Very experienced type...:-)
Most of time, Pitan was very concentrated and paid all the attention on what the teacher said...Today Pitan learned how to make the "energy ball" by himself, and he loved to play that after we went home.
There is a girl who has been missing in the class for four times finally showing up today...The mother said she was diagnosed with Dengi Fever and has been hospitalized for several days...That's why they couldn't make it for the class..Mommy feels sorry for them, because it's really expensive for this Shichida class and they dont allow to get refund....

Today Pitan knew another his classmate, Earnest. He is the one who kept pointing at Pitan's shirt and yelled "Thomas Train" last week...He loved Thomas Train like Pitan's cousin, LoLo...Today he wore a shirt with Thomas too..(Mommy thinks last week his mommy was too annoyed by Earnest's shout so decided to wear Thomas this week)...Pitan wore one today, too..(Dont understand why Endang likes to let Pitan put on Thomas every Saturday...)

Papa waited outside and chatted with another classmate, Jody's mother...Today Jody's father went in to the classroom so the mother waited outside. She told Papa that Pitan is very 斯文...because he is so clam when he went into the class and sat still until the class began...Mommy feels amused becuase this is the first time people said Pitan is 斯文...Most of time he is commented a very "Man" boy...hahha....