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Parents Teachers Meeting

This is the second PTM we have this year. Henry Park has more PTM than Chongfu. It's a good thing.Let parents talk to teachers face to face though we already got channels to talk to teachers by email everyday.

The PTM in Henry park is quite comprehensive. We need to book in advance from the website. It's like buying popular concert tickets on line. Baba and mummy always need to sit in front of PC and preapare to book immediately when the website is open for booking. We need to fight because we always book the earliest session. Then we can go to work after the PTM. No need to take day off.
As usual, there are different "stations" for us parents to talk to each teacher. We just see which station is available then we can pop in. The first teacher we talk is Science teacher. Pinche's science teacher is a young guy. Well, he said Pinche is a good pupil and nothing to be worried about for him. When Mummy asked if there is anything we parents should do, he said not really...Just follow the syllbus and it will be fine.
The second teacher we talked is Higher Chinese teacher. She is also a young lady. Pinche's performance of HCL is always good.This term, his composition was chosen as a "model" article, and it will be circulated to other 9 GEP schools. We did ask teacher if extra tuition for Chinese composition helpful. The teacher said the school already teaches the basic guidelines. It should be sufficient and Pinche doesn't need extra training. But the school teaches very basic way. If we want to train Pinche to be a good "literature writer", then school syllabus may not be enough.

Math teachers always compliments on Pinche. She said Pinche's performance is good. She never need to worry about him. She also appreciated our feedback regarding the clash schedule of the Olympiad math training...We also asked the teacher about how the scores was decided. This is to help Wuyu's mummy ask the teacher.

English teacher, Ms Ng is also Pinche's form teacher. She has greatest compliments on PInche. She said Pinche is one of the independent, mature students she has. Good emotional management. But she told us Pinche is a very sensitive kid. We just need to keep monitoring him as usual. She also explained the whole situation of "Pinche lost his English paper" incident. She said Pinche's reaction after found the paper was taken by one of the classmates is amazing. He is kind and didn't snap. He forgave the classmate and very kind. Baba and Mummy are so proud of him.

The last station is to talk to Pinche's social study teacher. In GEP, social study is graded. So the teacehr would also gave feedback about pupils' performance in social study.

Basically, Pinche's performance of the first semester is good. He got above average score for all subjects. The most important thing is he did it by himself. Baba and Mummy are very handsoff. He is really a good and independent kid.