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Paediatrics Endocrinology

We went to see the PD endocrinologist today. The appointment was booked last Dec, but the only available timing in KK is in Feb 2017.
Dr. Balinda referred us to see the specialist because she said Fei did show some premature thelarche.
The specialist we saw in KK is Dr. Lek Ngee. He did ask a lot of questions, including mummy's family and daddy's family history. The consultation took around 1 hour plus. He said it looks like it's genuine puberty, because Fei didn't have headache or vomiting , which is the symptom caused by pituitary gland disorder. He also explained no medicine is needed for the moment and in fact, it didn't help too much on Fei's height even Fei starts on medication. Usually it helps when people start the medication before 6y old. And it wont change the final result of Fei's height. He said, based on the growth chart Fei has and the expected height is around 154cm....:(

The doctor asked me about the tests that we want to do.So I decide to let Fei take the blood and bond xRay. We don't need to do MRI for the brain and the ultrasonic scan for tummy for the time being.

Fei is very brave. She didn't cry or scream when the blood was taken. But Mummy distracted her with Pokemon go...The nurse said Fei's blood is very thick so it's very hard to extract and push. He did ask Fei to drink more water before he took the blood. I think it's because we rushed to hospital after Fei's school. She even finished her lunch in the car and she took less water since then. The bond xray of hand is very quick. they don't even allow mummy to go in with her.

I promised Fei that I would give her an ice cream when the tests were all done. So we went to MacDonald after everything is settled. The next appointment is one month later and we will see what is the result then.