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這是生態保護的規則 好像是類似國際公約的
前紋是珊瑚是很脆弱的系統 為了維護自然生態和長遠保持請遵守以下規則.
Follow these simple precautions to prevent destruction of coral reefs when you dive:

Don't spear fish while diving 不要獵魚
Don't step on the coral reefs 不要採在珊瑚礁上
Don't take live shells from the marine ecosystem 不要拿活的貝殼
Don't wear suntan/sunscreen to protect your skin, instead wear protective clothing that blocks the sun's burning rays 不要擦防曬油
Ensure that the boat's anchor doesn't hit or drag over corals, 不要將魚錨撞到珊瑚礁 將船繫在漂浮的浮標上
instead- tie the boat to a mooring buoy if possible
Don't rip off sections of living coral from the reef 不要摘下片段的珊瑚礁
Ensure that all waste from your visit is carted away and no garbage is thrown into the reef or left on the beach 不要留下任何垃圾在海浬或沙灘<最氣的就是有一次潛水看到一個美國人將垃圾丟到海浬,我質問他,他說你自己國家的人都如此做,所以我也如此做.>
Don't feed anything to the fish, except something that comes from the sea itself. Bananas, bread, and other foods are not healthy for fish. 不要餵魚,除非餵的是來自海裡的自然食物.香蕉,麵包和其他食物對魚不健康<為了愛護魚,還是盡量不要吧>
Don't buy endangered shells or coral from beach sellers. Your purchaseonly encourages them to go and take some more from the sea for the next tourist.
The most endangered species include several varieties of the giant clam, nautilus, Triton. s trumpet, horned helmet and top shells. Think twice about harming Indonesia. s marine environment for the sake of a souvenir.
By following these simple precautions you can do much to preserve the marine ecosystem and ensure that Indonesia's underwater resources are preserved for the enjoyment of future generations.



yahoo實在太好用了 我只打入 can i feed fish while diving 就有很多跑出來
Fish Feeding

There is a growing concern about the effects of fish feeding on the reef.
While this gives visitors an opportunity to observe fish close at hand, the types of food being offered are often inappropriate.
Steak, chicken, cooked prawns; pasta and bread may seem like a good diet but not for fish.
牛排 大蝦 麵條 麵包看起來很好吃 但是對魚並不好

They cannot digest the saturated fats and acids in meat, cooked prawns shells contain indigestible chitin and bread and pasta can damage their livers.
魚無法消化這些油脂 或是殼 硬皮 而麵包和麵類會傷害他們的生命<真想不到竟然會傷害生命>
Fruit and vegetables are not so bad but they are not as nutritious as algae/plankton and pieces are often to large for herbivorous fish which come to be fed.

水果和蔬菜還可以,但是不如海藻或是浮游生物 而且對靠近的魚群太大<所以要餵不如餵小塊水果或是海藻>

Fish will often snatch at these foods when they thrown in the water but in reality they fill the fish up without providing the nourishment received from natural foods.
魚類經常被這些食物餵飽 然後就不吃會提供營養的食物
Apart from the nutritional aspects, fish can become dependant on a source of food, which will not always be there,
and it may attract larger numbers or species of fish which do not naturally inhabit that area.

In addition, artificial feeding can also change the behaviour of the fish.
They can become aggressive and even dangerous to swimmers.
On the other hand, fish which have become naturally tame are very vulnerable to fishing.
或是變得太軟弱 而且容易被人釣上
Feeding may also have detrimental effects on other parts of the reef when large amounts of extra nutrients are added to the water.

For example, excessive growth of algae can damage the coral.

例如過多的海藻 會成長而危害珊瑚
Water quality may be affected, especially if fish feeding is used as an excuse for dumping of rubbish at sea.
水會渾濁 尤其是利用餵魚將垃圾食物消化
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority has developed new guidelines for fish feeding on the reef.
新的規則已經出爐<時代在進步知識也更新 過去的不見得對>
Tour operators who wish to feed fish must have a permit endorsed and display a laminated copy of the guidelines at the site.

Food must consist of fresh, raw, marine products or aquaculture fish food pellets as approved by the authority. T
食物必須以自然 海洋 新鮮 或者官方允許的海洋食物.

he amount of food used is to be further restricted to 1kg per day or 2kg per day if more than one site is used.

量也要在1-2公斤一天 <一個區域>
It would be a pity if thoughtless pollution of the marine environment led to the complete banning of fish feeding. Hopefully a sensible approach will avoid adverse environmental impacts