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Little Jorge Posada catches a break


他是紐約洋基隊的當家捕手 熟悉美國大聯盟賽事的人都知道 他是個"例外"的好捕手 因為他是大聯盟裡面 是數一數二的強棒.. 看了文章之後 令人感動不已 他是個好爸爸呀.... 文章出處http://www.newsday.com/sports/baseball/yankees/ny-spposada0617,0,1259294.story?coll=ny-sports-headlines Jorge Posada and his wife, Laura, could only wait while their son, Jorge Luis, had surgery this past December. He had just turned 7 years old, yet this was his eighth operation to treat a congenital birth defect, craniosynostosis. The Posadas waited anxiously for six, eight, 10 hours while the boy's skull was being taken apart so the bones in it could be reshaped and reassembled to give him a normal-shaped skull. "I was brave," Jorge Luis said. "I was a little bit scared, though." Perhaps, his parents prayed, this surgery would finally grant their wish and give their son a normal life. Perhaps, they dreamed, they could take Jorge Luis home and not have to put him through any more operations. Perhaps, they hoped, he would be healthy and happy and no one would ridicule him for having a funny-shaped head. "We are praying that that was the last one, the last big operation," said Posada, the Yankees catcher. "The way Dr. Staffenberg described it, he said he was going to do everything possible to make sure that that was the last big operation. It was tough times." Craniosynostosis affects approximately one in 5,000 babies, said Staffenberg, the surgical director at the Center for Craniofacial Disorders at The Children's Hospital at Montefiore in the Bronx. Craniosynostosis is sometimes hereditary, though not in Jorge Luis' case. It is characterized by the premature closure of one or more fibrous joints, or sutures, keeping the brain and skull from growing properly. It can generally be corrected with one operation. Jorge Luis was an exception. Jorge Luis' skull remained asymmetrical, his neck tilted to one side, his left eye socket was out of line, and one-third of his skull bone was missing -- leaving his brain unprotected in case of a fall or bump on the head. Said his father: "If he bumped his head on the corner of the table, it could be really severe." The reactions of others put his parents in anguish. Laura recalled one particularly cruel afternoon, when her husband was on deck at Fenway Park and a fan called out that Posada's son "looked like he was retarded." After Jorge Luis' latest operation, they should never hear comments like that again. Staffenberg split a portion of the skull bone in two, and used the newly divided piece to cover the unprotected portion of his brain. He also removed previously inserted plates and pins, and plastic surgery covered up the scars. "I've got to say, things look real.ly fantastic now," Staffenberg said, "and everyone is really pleased with how well he's done ... Both mom and dad were in the intensive care unit all the way through the weekend. Dad helped me change the bandage. Dad helped me take about 200 stitches out of Junior's scalp. They were both just extraordinary." It has been a long journey since Jorge Luis was diagnosed with craniosynostosis days after his birth Nov. 28, 1999. His parents met while Laura was working both as a lawyer and on a Puer.to Rican TV show. After one show, she and some friends went to a lounge. That's where she met Jorge, who told his friend, "I'm going to marry that girl." They got married a few months later and they soon had a new baby on the way. "You get your first child, your first-born, and you hope that everything's good, and it wasn't," Posada said. Laura said: "Your world crumbles, and you're upset, and you're ignorant about this condition. The worst thing is that it's beyond your control." Jorge Luis had his first surgery at 7 months old, and the next soon after. "You get nervous," Posada said. "You cry at night the night before. The first two operations were during the season, and I wasn't here for pretty much 10 days. I played, but I wasn't here ." In the fall of 2000, the Jorge Posada Foundation was created to raise awareness of craniosynostosis and funds for research and treatment. He had already wanted to begin a foundation and said his son's condition "was like a sign from heaven." When Laura's not with Jorge Luis and their 41/2-year-old daughter Paulina, she's running the foundation. On Monday, they hosted the Heroes for Hope Gala at the Pierre Hotel in Manhattan. About a dozen Yankees attended. The dinner and auction raised more than $680,000, doubling last year's total. Jorge Luis was the night's star when he welcomed the guests, greeted by a hearty ovation. With their son's health problems, they hope, behind them, the Posadas can just be a family. Perhaps not surprisingly, Posada is having a career-best season, batting .354 with 41 RBIs in 59 games entering Friday. "That's why Jorge is having the year that he's having," Laura said, "because we can relax and breathe, and not worry. We can look at [Jorge Luis], and he's so smart and normal and healthy. For the first time, we can enjoy it, and not have people stare at him." No more thoughts of hospitals and needles and pain. Jorge Luis, who was playing on the field before Friday's game at Yankee Stadium, is otherwise occupied, saying: "I like to play with my friends, and play video games, and color and play baseball."

Little Jorge Posada catches a break--小小Posada重獲新生


Jorge Posada 他是紐約洋基隊的當家捕手 熟悉美國大聯盟賽事的人都知道 他是個"例外"的好捕手 因為他是大聯盟裡面 是數一數二的強棒.. 看了文章之後 令人感動不已 他是個好爸爸呀.... 這裡有譯文 出處http://wang40.com.tw/viewthread.php?tid=25444&extra=page%3D1 Jorge Posada and his wife, Laura, could only wait while their son, Jorge Luis, had surgery this past December. He had just turned 7 years old, yet this was his eighth operation to treat a congenital birth defect, craniosynostosis. 在去年十二月當他們的兒子Jorge Luis開刀時,Posada和他的老婆Laura所能做的只有等待。他才剛滿七歲,這卻已是他為了治療天生的新生兒缺陷「顱縫線過早癒合症」而進行第八次手術。 The Posadas waited anxiously for six, eight, 10 hours while the boy's skull was being taken apart so the bones in it could be reshaped and reassembled to give him a normal-shaped skull. "I was brave," Jorge Luis said. "I was a little bit scared, though." 當這個小男孩的頭蓋骨被截取部份,好讓骨頭可以重新塑形以給予他一個正常的頭型,Posadas著急地等待6小時…然後8小時…10小時。 "我很勇敢," Jorge Luis說,"雖然我有一點點害怕。" Perhaps, his parents prayed, this surgery would finally grant their wish and give their son a normal life. Perhaps, they dreamed, they could take Jorge Luis home and not have to put him through any more operations. Perhaps, they hoped, he would be healthy and happy and no one would ridicule him for having a funny-shaped head. 或許,他的雙親祈禱這個手術終將達成他們的願望,給予他們的兒子一個正常的生活。 或許,他們夢想…可以帶小Luis回家,再也不必讓他承受任何手術。 或許,他們希望 他將會健康快樂地長大,沒有人因為他奇怪的頭型而嘲笑他。 "We are praying that that was the last one, the last big operation," said Posada, the Yankees catcher. "The way Dr. Staffenberg described it, he said he was going to do everything possible to make sure that that was the last big operation. It was tough times." 我們不斷的祈禱那是最後一個、最後一次的大手術",洋基捕手Posada說," 就像Staffenberg醫生講的那樣,他說他會盡全力確保那是最後一次大手術。那真是艱難時刻。" Craniosynostosis affects approximately one in 5,000 babies, said Staffenberg, the surgical director at the Center for Craniofacial Disorders at The Children's Hospital at Montefiore in the Bronx. Craniosynostosis is sometimes hereditary, though not in Jorge Luis' case. It is characterized by the premature closure of one or more fibrous joints, or sutures, keeping the brain and skull from growing properly. It can generally be corrected with one operation. Montefiore兒童醫院顱顏異常中心外科主任Staffenberg醫生說:每5,000個新生兒中就會一個發生顱縫線過早癒合症。「顱縫線過早癒合症」有時是由於遺傳,但Jorge Luis的病例則不是。它是因單一或多個顱骨間的縫隙過早形成骨接合,而造成大腦及頭蓋骨發育不完全,通常可藉由手術來導正。 Jorge Luis was an exception. Jorge Luis卻是例外。 Jorge Luis' skull remained asymmetrical, his neck tilted to one side, his left eye socket was out of line, and one-third of his skull bone was missing -- leaving his brain unprotected in case of a fall or bump on the head. Said his father: "If he bumped his head on the corner of the table, it could be really severe." Jorge Luis的顱骨形狀不對稱,他的頸部偏斜一邊,他的左眼窩偏離,而三片頭蓋骨中的一片不見了-這使得他的頭部容易因跌倒或撞擊而失去保護。他的父親表示,如果他的頭部撞到桌角,後果真的不堪設想。 The reactions of others put his parents in anguish. Laura recalled one particularly cruel afternoon, when her husband was on deck at Fenway Park and a fan called out that Posada's son "looked like he was retarded." 其他人的反應也讓他的雙親陷入極度痛苦。Laura回想起一個特別令人心痛的下午,當他的丈夫在芬威球場,而一個球迷說Posada的兒子看起來像個遲緩兒。 After Jorge Luis' latest operation, they should never hear comments like that again. Staffenberg split a portion of the skull bone in two, and used the newly divided piece to cover the unprotected portion of his brain. He also removed previously inserted plates and pins, and plastic surgery covered up the scars. 在Jorge Luis最近一次手術後,他們應該再也不會聽到那種話。Staffenberg醫生將頭蓋骨的一部份切分為二,並且使用剛切開的骨蓋去填補腦部缺乏保護的部位。 "I've got to say, things look really fantastic now," Staffenberg said, "and everyone is really pleased with how well he's done ... Both mom and dad were in the intensive care unit all the way through the weekend. Dad helped me change the bandage. Dad helped me take about 200 stitches out of Junior's scalp. They were both just extraordinary." "我必須說,現在看起來真的很神奇",Staffenberg醫生說,"而且每一個人都真的為他的表現良好感到高興….他們兩人無時無刻都參與護理看護直到度過這個星期,Posada幫我換繃帶,幫我從頭部表皮拆200條縫線,他們真的很不可思議。 It has been a long journey since Jorge Luis was diagnosed with craniosynostosis days after his birth Nov. 28, 1999. His parents met while Laura was working both as a lawyer and on a Puerto Rican TV show. After one show, she and some friends went to a lounge. That's where she met Jorge, who told his friend, "I'm going to marry that girl." They got married a few months later and they soon had a new baby on the way. "You get your first child, your first-born, and you hope that everything's good, and it wasn't," Posada said. 這是一段漫長的旅程,自從Jorge Luis1999年11月28日出生被診斷出「顱縫線過早癒合症」開始。他的雙親彼此相遇,當時Laura是一名律師也為Puerto Rican電視秀工作。在一場秀之後,她和幾個朋友去一家lounge(bar),在那兒她遇見Posada,他告訴他的朋友…我將會娶那個女孩。在幾個月之後他們結婚,不久就新添了小寶貝。"你擁有了第一個小孩,你的第一個寶貝,你希望萬事美好,然而卻事與願違。" Posada說。 Laura said: "Your world crumbles, and you're upset, and you're ignorant about this condition. The worst thing is that it's beyond your control." Laura說:"你的世界崩解潰散,你被狠狠擊垮,但你卻對它一無所知,最糟的是這不是你所能掌控的。" had his first surgery at 7 months old, and the next soon after. "You get nervous," Posada said. "You cry at night the night before. The first two operations were during the season, and I wasn't here for pretty much 10 days. I played, but I wasn't here ." Jorge Luis第一次開刀是在7個月大,而且下一次開刀不久又來到。"你真的是膽顫心驚," Posada說,"在開刀前你哭了一晚又一晚…,前兩個手術是在球季期間,我有大約十天的時間不在,我上場比賽,但我的心不在那裡。" In the fall of 2000, the Jorge Posada Foundation was created to raise awareness of craniosynostosis and funds for research and treatment. He had already wanted to begin a foundation and said his son's condition "was like a sign from heaven." 在2000年秋天,Jorge Posada基金會成立,為了喚醒人們對「顱縫線過早癒合症」的重視,及籌募研究與治療經費。他早已期盼籌建一個基金會,也表示發生在他的兒子身上的事就像上天給予的徵兆。 When Laura's not with Jorge Luis and their 41/2-year-old daughter Paulina, she's running the foundation. On Monday, they hosted the Heroes for Hope Gala at the Pierre Hotel in Manhattan. About a dozen Yankees attended. The dinner and auction raised more than $680,000, doubling last year's total. 當Laura'沒和Jorge Luis及四歲半的女兒Paulina待在一起時,她就是全心投入基金會工作。星期一,他們在Manhattan的Pierre飯店表揚希望晚會的英雄們,大約有12名洋基人到場。這場晚宴及拍賣共募得超過$680,000美元,是前年募款總額的兩倍。 Jorge Luis was the night's star when he welcomed the guests, greeted by a hearty ovation. With their son's health problems, they hope, behind them, the Posadas can just be a family. Perhaps not surprisingly, Posada is having a career-best season, batting .354 with 41 RBIs in 59 games entering Friday. "That's why Jorge is having the year that he's having," Laura said, "because we can relax and breathe, and not worry. We can look at [Jorge Luis], and he's so smart and normal and healthy. For the first time, we can enjoy it, and not have people stare at him." Jorge Luis是當晚的明星,當他在那迎接貴賓時,受到真心的熱烈歡迎。考量兒子的健康因素,他們希望在兩人的保護下他們終將成為真正的家庭。或許這並不令人驚訝,Posada正處於職棒生涯以來狀況最佳的球季,在59場比賽中打擊率.354、41 RBIs。" 這就是為什麼Jorge今年表現如此驚人,因為我們可以放鬆喘口氣,不用再憂心忡忡。我們可以看著他,他是如此聰明、正常健康。第一次,我們可以好好享受,不會再有人盯著他瞧。" No more thoughts of hospitals and needles and pain. Jorge Luis, who was playing on the field before Friday's game at Yankee Stadium, is otherwise occupied, saying: "I like to play with my friends, and play video games, and color and play baseball." 不用再想著醫院,不用打針,不會再挨疼受痛。在洋基球場展開星期五賽事之前Jorge Luis在場上嬉玩,他終於有另外一種生活,他說 " 我喜歡跟我的朋友玩,還有玩電動,畫畫以及打棒球。"

一個36歲竹科RD主管寫的文章太 精彩了--轉貼e-mail


一個36歲竹科RD主管寫的文章 學多懂多,懂多煩多,煩多想多, 想多做多,做多付多,付多拿多, 拿多花多,花多吃多,吃多病多, 病多-日子不多, 最好還是別管那麼多,開心多多! 國中為了高中聯考補習,有的人國一就在補了。 到了高中或高職為大學聯考補為四技二專補, 念了大學發現大學生多了又去補研究所。 一補就是大二補到大四畢業。 念了研究所以為可以輕鬆了, 發現老師每天都在找人作奴隸, 每晚待在研究室裡一待就是十六個小時。 研究所畢業以後,進了上市公司當了RD工程師。 以為人生終於可以享受努力換來的果實了。 結果呢… 早上八點半上班晚上12點半下班, 一個月六萬多…。不知不覺已經三十六歲了! 如果你問我過去這三十六年來可以回憶出些什麼? 我想了很久… 我可以告訴你十二歲以前~ 我只記得考試沒有滿分少一分打一下。 十六歲以前,我只記得~ 老媽每天說沒有考上雄中你就不要做人了, 還要每天被迫穿上雄中的校服睡覺。 十八歲那年~~~ 我覺得我愛上了每天和我一起等公車的雄商女孩, 鼓起勇氣向她搭訕的時候,她告訴我~~~ 我背後的男生已經像她告白了(高雄高工的)。 媽媽說沒關係等你考上一流的大學, 會有很多女生倒追你。 我不知道什麼是一流的大學,我只知道~~~ 哪一所大學女生多就是我心中的第一志願。 十九歲那年夏天高高興興的吃完補習班的慶功宴, 想要回家填志願卡。 心想終於可以到輔大享受~~~ 「所有的男人都會犯的錯」時。 媽媽說你給我念交大! 當我大三那年我仰望著天空大喊~~~ 史密斯阿你的電子學是寫給鬼看的啊! 碩一那年遇到了我小學同學在~~~ 中正路開修車場雄工畢業一個月十二萬… 退伍之後在竹科一家小公司上班~ 愛上了當時的總務科小姐,猶豫了兩年~ 決定展開行動時她拿出一張喜帖給我… 於是我離開了公司(傷心地!) 今年我36了… 沒交過女朋友沒騎機車載過女生沒和女生握過手~ 沒有愛情…只又每天面對一台~ Viewsonic 555的TFT螢幕,喀喀喀喀的鍵盤聲。 之前!我po的文章得到大家的熱烈迴響, 可是可能因為我文筆不好。 很多人以為我是感慨沒有女朋友, 而看不出我文中所想表達的意思。 就在我寫這篇文章的時候正好是早上三點, 我正在準備明天中午的午餐會報的資料。 你知道這就是RD部門主管的生活,你們知道嗎? 就在剛剛我在樓下買了一包七星和一杯咖啡, 仰望著天空看著星星。 說實在的我有時真的覺得自己是不是應該~ 自殺重新投胎。免得時時刻刻被寂寞所凌遲轟炸… 回想起小時候功課沒有滿分學校是少一分打一下, 回到了家裡還要再被打一次。 到了國中念了不知道為什麼叫A段班的奇怪班級 ~ (那時還有能力編班)。 國中的生活,似乎就是為了考高中而活。 念了高中似乎又是為了考上一流的大學而活。 考上了大學,以為人生真的開始舒服平坦了。 也不知道老媽是聽了那個王八蛋說: 念電機最好考研究所的奇怪意見。 又被抓去考研究所。 我這一生好像就是為了升學為了考試而活著, 我很想問學校的老師為什麼要念那麼苦? 也很想問我老媽為什麼要我念第一志願? 可是我聽到的答案永遠都是~~~ 「為了你的前途為了你的將來!」 就是因為這句話,我從小被教育成~ 以為那些沒考上大學的或是沒念好學校的, 將來一定要吃苦,將來一定要靠勞力吃飯。 「將來」一定…沒好下場… 就如同很多版上, 所謂的一流大學一流科系心中所想的一樣… 但事實的情況和你想的會很不一樣。 可是我不知道所謂的將來要多久, 我等了36年… 就如親朋好友所預期的,一家上市公司的~ 小主管一年,一百五十萬的年薪。 一台LEXUS 3000cc休旅車、 一棟46坪位於市區的公寓房子、 一堆股票、一堆存款以及「自己一個家」 也許很多人會羨慕我小有成就, 但是我想告訴你這不是幸福更不是快樂。 當你們瘋狂的追逐著名校的研究所, 瘋狂的期待將來有著百萬年薪、名牌轎車時, 你的下場十分有可能像我一樣。 因為這些奢侈的物質生活, 對許多RD而言根本連去使用的時間都沒有。 況且如果沒有一個心愛的人, 陪你一起享受這一切那麼… 一切的努力都將是毫無價值的… 因為當你到了我這個而立之年時,你會恍然覺得~ 你將一生最寶貴的青春架構在自己的痛苦上。 去追求人人稱羨的名利是多麼不值得… 該玩樂的時候就要玩樂,該睡的時候就要睡, 該交女朋友的時候就要去追! 不要把自己的生命浪費~~~ 在課本考試還有補習班上面, 不要羨慕那些所謂的科技新貴、 什麼股票分紅百萬年薪之類的。 那些只不過是老闆吸乾你的血液之後~~~ 吐回一點給你而已。沒什麼了不起的… 難道真的要念研究所… 真的要念台、清、交、成 真的要當RD才能賺大錢嗎? 你們真的認為台灣的經濟不景氣嗎? 不要被媒體騙了,找工作沒那麼難, 百萬年薪只要努力各行各業比比皆是! 順便告訴你們一件事, 當年我們班上只要待在RD部門的不是未婚~ 就是離婚,還有一個更慘…孩子的老爸不是他… 學多懂多,懂多煩多,煩多想多, 想多做多,做多付多,付多拿多, 拿多花多,花多吃多,吃多病多, 病多-日子不多, 最好還是別管那麼多,開心多多!



睡到自然醒~~ 吃過早餐後休息一下 10點會有車來接我們 今天的半天行程"慕谷慕魚 " 等待的時間呢一點沒空著 呵...兩父子很忙呢 今天可是有40wang的日子阿 J呢更忙 沒浪費溫泉 又在房裏泡了一次湯 出發後坐了一個小時的車 先在香草園裏用餐 爸比一個眼尖 碰到了同學..呵..還真是巧阿 餐後準備上山 要辦乙種入山證 這段風景區 是前年才開放 還是非常原始的風貌 原本只有台電維修人員能進去 (沿著溪流共有8座電廠) 司機很細心的解說 這一路的歷史 看到的景色更是沒話說 什麼樣的景色呢 峽谷..比太魯閣還要壯觀 台灣有這樣的美景... 美麗的寶島當之無愧阿.. 司機解說的部分裏 有一段是孫運璿任台電時 為了蓋電廠 如何讓原本看不起孫和台灣的勸業銀行 最後佩服進而借錢給孫蓋台灣的水利發電廠 還有孫如何領著榮工處的員工 沿著只有120公分寬的步道 進到山裏一鑿一鑿的蓋電廠 這段血淚史..真是感動阿.. 尤其親眼看到那步道 是一不小心就BYE BYE的路 不簡單... 連我們今天走的路 都還是只有一個車身的寬 從車窗往下望去..就是谷.. 是滿驚險的路段 最後一站是清水溪 有一段可以讓遊客下去 能這麼近距離的接近這美景 當然不能錯過 J拖了鞋襪趕緊享受溪水的涼快 水非常的清澈..魚蝦很多也都很大 這在台北真是非常少見 由於要趕火車 只好捨不得的結束今天的行程了... 還真是捨不得..



德國人把孩子看成一粒種子 (現在/未來做父母親的你/妳,可以參考看看) 幼兒教育是成長的第一步 , 這一步能否走好與性格形成和命運發展有密切的關係。 德國人認為 , 孩子長大了早晚要離開父母自闖一片天地 , 與其讓他們面對措折惶恐無助 , 不如從小摔摔打打 , " 撞 "出面對人生的勇氣和本事。因此 , "殘酷教育 " 在德國的幼兒教育中成為流行驅勢。 上午9時,沉浸在冰天雪地之中的德國北部城市漢諾威寒冷無比,然而位於市區的瑪格瑞特幼兒園門口十分熱鬧。孩子們背著碩大的雙肩揹書包,精神抖擻地陸續走進園內,開始了一天的生活。為了深入了解現在德國流行的 "殘酷教育",我也走進了幼兒園。 幼兒園是一座兩層小樓。室外有大片的活動場地,草地、沙地、石頭地……卻沒有看到國內常見的塑膠地 。孩子們在戶外活動時膽子很大,登梯爬高一點都不含糊。老師們則站在遠處觀察,不怎麼干涉。 衣服穿多了易感冒 我發現雖然天氣寒冷,但是在室外玩耍的孩子卻看不到穿棉衣或防寒服,頂多穿一件絨衣,也有只穿半截袖上衣、短褲或短裙。看著我大驚小怪的模樣,陪同我的雅娜老師解釋說:幼兒應該比大人少穿點衣服。他們精力旺盛幾乎可以用來'發電' 。活動量大容易出汗,穿多了反而容易感冒。臃腫的服裝還會影響他們的靈活性 。" 走進活動室,只見前面堆滿了各種墊子,孩子在上面盡情地翻滾嬉戲。6歲的喬安娜在圓形的蹦蹦床上彈跳,一不留神把2歲大的托尼撞倒了。 托尼大哭起來,而站在一旁的老師並沒有馬上跑過去安慰他。 3分鐘後,老師走過去溫和地說:"托尼,你剛剛被喬安娜撞了一下,你覺得很委屈對不對? 可是你是小男子漢,難道還沒有哭夠嗎?"托尼點點頭,立刻收起抗議的哭聲,用袖子擦去臉上的鼻涕和眼淚。 我留意到佈告欄上貼滿了"15名小科學家的研究學習成果 "。難道還包著尿布的小孩也懂得研究和寫報告嗎?" 讓不同年齡段的孩子在一起玩耍的好處就是,年齡大的孩子會教年齡小的孩子,年齡小的孩子會主動模倣年齡大的孩子。他們在一起製作東西,佈告欄上所展示的成果就是他們的小發明。 "幼兒園的負責人 蘇珊娜 博士笑著對我說,"這種教育模式能激發孩子勤動手動腦,主動團結合作。比如,配對遊戲、合作拼圖、合辦聚會等,讓孩子從小就能體會到團體合作的力量 。" 蘇珊娜博士強調說,來幼兒園的孩子主要的任務就是玩,通過玩來教他們 ,老師只是一個觀察者、幫助者,要充分發揮孩子的天性。園內以小組和個別活動為主,至於進行什麼活動,由孩子自己決定,可以畫畫、聽故事、到戶外玩,只要是幼兒園?能進行的活動,幹什麼都行。 午餐時間有 3個 時間過得真快,轉眼到了中午 12時。我看見孩子們三 三兩 兩地來到餐桌旁。老師把飯盤放在孩子面前,大點兒的孩子自己用勺子吃,年紀小的、不會用勺子吃飯的孩子就用手抓著吃。今天剛剛入園的3歲大的格碧妮站著不動,一會兒看看這兒,一會兒看看那兒。老師讓她坐在小凳子上,用手勢啟發她自己吃飯。可是,格碧妮不會抓著吃,呆呆地坐在那 。老師耐心地用手比畫著教她,卻絲毫沒有要餵她的意思。直到吃飯時間結束,格碧妮一口沒動的飯菜就被 "沒收" 了。 看到這兒,我有些不解。 雅娜老師說:" 德國人從來不喂孩子吃飯,如果孩子餓了,自己會主動吃的。格碧妮現在不會自己吃,下次就會了。" 蘇珊娜博士說:"孩子不會做的事,老師只在必要時給以言語或者行為上的鼓勵和暗示,大人不要強迫他們做什麼,也不包攬,因為那樣可能會抑制孩子' 獨立行為'的發展。幫他完成某些事,日後他就只會做那些別人做過的事,而缺乏創造性。幼兒園提供3個午餐時間-中午12時、下午1時和下午 2時,孩子自己決定何時用餐。" 在午睡的問題上,老師也尊重孩子的意願。 孩子如果在床上躺 20-30分鐘還沒有睡著,他可以出去玩。 這讓我想起鄰居4歲大的兒子米希爾到我家時的情景。米希爾沒有見過中國的餃子,抓起一隻生餃子就往嘴巴塞。當我想制止時,他 媽媽 卻制止了我,說: "別管他,這樣他才知道生的是 不能吃 的。" 大人向孩子認錯 蘇珊娜博士認為, 家長必須善於控制自己的情緒, 給以孩子儘量多的愛而不是寵溺,尊重孩子的自尊心 。因此,家長要常把"對不起"、"請原諒"和"謝謝" 之類的詞掛在嘴邊 。由於得到父母的愛護和尊重,德國的小孩從小就參與家庭的各種活動,並提出自己的意見,比如購買什麼樣的家用電器、汽車,如何佈置房間、處理家務等,孩子都可以以小主人的身份與父母一起商討,父母也願意傾聽孩子的意見,充分肯定孩子正確的想法和行為。 在德國,愛護兒童、保護兒童的合法權益已被列入法律條款。一方面法律規定孩子要幫助父母洗碗、掃地和買東西 ,從小養成愛勞動的習慣;另一方面, 嚴禁父母"嘮叨、打罵或不愛子女 " ,如果孩子認為自己得不到父母的尊重或受到冷落,可以向法院控告自己的雙親。此外,法律還詳細解釋了兒童享有的各項權利。 獨特的抱孩子方式 從下午2時開始,家長們陸續趕來接自己的孩子。中國的父母天冷時把孩子裹得嚴嚴實實緊緊地摟在懷?,聽說德國人不這樣做。這時,我看到一些還在牙牙學語的小孩被家長一手抱在胸前。有趣的是,他們的抱法奇特:孩子跨坐在爸爸的一隻胳膊上,紅撲撲的小臉朝外,後背貼著爸爸的胸口,小胳膊小腿向外伸著,樣子好像浮在水面上的小青蛙。在瑟瑟的寒風中, "狠心"的家長不給小孩過多的遮蓋,還不慌不忙地走出幼兒園。 蘇珊娜博士說:"德國人把孩子看成一粒種子,他們需要自然的生長環境,不可過於控制,給孩子留下儘量多的自由發展空間。比如,抱孩子時孩子的臉朝外,眼睛和大人的視野基本一樣,小手小腿可以自由地活動,全身能充分地與陽光和空氣接觸, 有利於他們適應自然環境,茁壯成長。 " 從E-MAIL翻PO的...