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河馬music play10:00~52


出席紀錄: 5.品妤(46~55已繳費+0) 待補課4堂 我們班見聞過的器樂:低音管(Basson)/曼陀林(mandoling)/法國號(French Horn)/小提琴(Violin)/揚琴/古典吉他 -------------------------------------------------------- 小紫老師紀錄~~ 一段短短的60分鐘 可以感受到無比的快樂 來自媽咪把拔笑聲的快樂 來自孩子動作的快樂 來自孩子進步的快樂 以及在快樂氛圍中的再快樂!!! 相信媽咪們也和我有一樣的感覺!!! 今天稍微跟媽咪分享部分孩子的階段性 在這邊小紫老師把孩子的階段性連結給媽咪們瞧瞧唷!! ^^ 媽咪們可以當做參考 但無需有任何壓力 因為每個階段孩子都勢必會經過 只是早晚!! ^^ Acculturation stage1: Child is building a listening vocabulary by hearing music and watching and feeling continuous movement. stage2: Child responds with sound or movement babble that is not specifically related to the activity. stage3: Child responds with related sound or movement babble during the activity or immediately after a repetition of the activity. Imitation stage4: Child becomes aware that her responses are different from the adult's music and movement model. stage5: Child responds with more precise imitation of tonal patterns and movements. Assimilation: stage6: Child develops an awareness of her lack of coordination among her breathing, moving, and singing. stage7: Child coordinates her breathing, moving, and singing while imitating tonal patterns precisely. --------------------------------------------- 品妤今天也好開心唷~~ 有很多的時間品妤自己跳啊玩著 還有大家繞圈圈時 品妤媽到旁邊偷偷照相去 品妤一樣自己跟著走玩得high 呵呵~~~ 好極囉!!! ^^