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阿嬤,阿姨,姨丈,舅舅,Tina,Jerry,Gina從高雄來玩,馬麻知道大家喜歡吃小吃,早上八點半,馬麻準備了十一條大腸包小腸的材料讓Tina作給大家吃.沒想到Tina貪睡到了中午才起床,阿嬤和阿姨等不急Tina起床作給大家吃,自己把已熟的大腸米包拿來蒸,沒想到卻把它蒸毀了六條,我趕緊叫Tina起床煎好剩下的五條大腸米包,並裝好一份份在馬麻準備的油紙袋裡,以便親戚們在回高雄的路上方便野餐,順便準備了幾包日本進口的零食給Tina,Jerry及Gina三個小學生當禮物帶回家享用.三個小學生們在出門前忙著玩電腦遊戲時,George偷偷把日本零食放回我的零食櫃裡,阿姨看見了提醒Jerry要把自己得到的禮物收好.George有些不開心的看著我.第二天,George到馬麻家上學時跟馬麻說.... George:馬麻,我要吃大腸包小腸包(其實是指大腸包小腸,George喜歡多一個包字) 馬麻:昨天不是吃過了嗎?(馬麻替我們準備了十一條,一人一條應該夠吃呀!馬麻沒料到有人不小心把它蒸毀了,不夠吃,所以煎好的五份全都給客人帶回去了) George:我沒有吃到啦!全都給阿姨包包走了啦!(說完哇哇大哭),還有我愛吃的日本零食也全都包包走了啦! 馬麻只好騎著摩托車帶George到處找香腸米腸的小攤子,因為是早上,找了三家都還沒有人開始賣,又騎著摩托車多逛了幾圈,看到剛才三家中的其中一家開始作準備工作,於是費了好大功夫才替George買到了一條大腸包小腸.George吃到嘴裡才停止大哭.

GF school outing


We are ready to have an outing. George and his friend. Are you ready to go? No, not yet. Bill is in the bath room, we have to wait for Bill. I am here, thank you for waitting me! Every one is waiting for the bus. George is waiting, too. Still waiting. We will take on this bus. Our line is moving toward the bus. Our school teacher is reminding us for the safty. The comfortable seats. We just arrived. Bill and George in front of the landscape rest room. In the park. The parrots are behind George in the macaw area. George in front of the auditorium. The animal show will start at 11:30. We will go to the water plants area. George's best friend takes photos for George. George in front of the papyrus. A beatuiful dragonfly on the wooden board. In the water plants area. The narrator and the children. Bill is in the line. George is sitting and watching the children's long line. Do you see your brother Bill? George is still looking for Bill. Bill with Pluto hat. Mommy, can I play around the tree? Mommy is upside down. George in front of the butterfly ecological park entrence. Bill walks hand in hand with his partner. Still hand in hand. Bill is pointing at what he found. George say "Mom, why Bill does not hand in hand with me?" George found an insect and take a photo of it. George and his friend are exploring. A beautiful insect. Take a pictuir. Smile, insects. My favorite beetles. Our science teacher and students. George in the coffee shop. We will go to the bird ecological park. A bird with crown. A bird resting in it's nest. A blue bird. Jungle coffee shop. Bill has a bleeding nose, his teacher is taking care of him. George's friend is taking a picture of George. Bees. Macaws in the animal show. Teacher is taking pictures for children. Macaws again. Presenting the macaws. Bill and George are enjoying the show. Macaws. Children are enjoying the show. The animal show stage. The plants on the sidewalk. When break time, boys are line up to go to the bath room. Bill is always hand in hand with George. Three mothers. Photoed by Bill. George likes to document things by photos. Kangaroos in the lovely animal area. Hello, kangaroo. I want to tell you something. Kangaroos can not understand my language. I want to talk to you, kangaroo! One side is the rabbit area, the other side is the kangaroo area. Hi!Kangaroo,my favorite animal is rabit,could you please take care of them when I am not here. Thank you! Hope that they can understand George's language. A rooster and hamsters. In the herb plants area. Air plants area. George in the air plants area. George sits down and have a refresh. The narrator and the children. George in the orchid park. George discovers that the narration of the orchid can be played automatically after he press the bottom. George's friend wants to have a try at it. Tea tree(melaleuca alternifonia) In the cactus and succulent park. George and his friend in front of the elephant's leg tree(moyinga thouarsli). George puts on his friend's cap and say "hi". Cactus. George and his friend moving their feet at sand. Bill in front of the cactus. poisonous plant. poisonous plant. Bill ask the narrator a question about seed. In the amazon rainforest area. Amazon coffee shop. Children of grade 1 class #2. George is looking at the biggist fish in amazon rainforest area. Amazon coffee shop, again. Children of grade 1 class #1. Can you see Bill? George's friend take a picture of his mother. George take a photo of his friend. Zoom in. Green iguana. Formosan hare. Porcupines. Green world plaza. Mother and daughter. Grade 1 class#2 family. George play the catch game with Bill and Bill's classmates. Grade 1 teacher takes photo of children. Grade 1 class#1 teacher and children. Grade 1 class#1 teachers and children. Grade 1 class#1 teachers and children. Grade 2 teacher takes photo of children. What a wonderful day. I don't want to leave here. The children are line up and back to school. Swan lake. Bill is watching TV - doraemon. In the classroom. Go to the bath room. In the classroom. Water plants. This is Bill's water plant. In the classroom. Bill and Alice.