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We praise God that gave us a healthy baby today - she is 4.45kg at birth! We were very nervious in the afternoon when Marina found the first sign of birth at home. We quickly drove to find my mother-in-law outside and tried to arrange everything in Botkinsky Hospital as she planned earlier. But our plan stayed as plan, God did His work in another way. Marina was sent in the ambulance car to the Maternity Hospital no.6 on Mayakovskogo street in St. Petersburg city center. Marina has been sent to the surgery room and been left alone there at 4pm. I kissed her and said i love her so much, with pray and continued praying that she can get through all difficulties. How i want to give her support and share her pain if i can! I told my son Matvei that he will soon have a young sister, we spent some time on my car and went home to wait for news. After a long waiting, our doctor called us - Congratulations! You have a healthy baby with 4.45kg and she was born at 6:45pm! While i first saw our daughter in the hands of nurses, my poor Marina is still in deep sleeping. I was given only 20 seconds to see my daughter in an isolation area. She is cute, big and healthy. I want to give thanks to God our Lord, our friends and relatives for all blessing and support you give to us! You may want to know our daughter's name? I still have some time to consider her Chinese name and I agree with Marina's idea of naming our daughter in Russian as Naemi, her full name in Russian will be Naemi Aleksovna Kung