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(3-1)佛祖開示:融入 ‘合一’


We now take full responsibility for the reflection of our thoughts, words and deeds made in this world. How we consciously express our energy in 5D reflects the Oneness of all life. There is a major shift in co-creating New Earth. Everything happens BECAUSE of you. You ARE the Creator. You think it. You become it. If you want something like Disclosure and Landings then you must make it more than a passing thought. Believe it. Bring It. No Sequester. Gun Control. World Peace. Enactment of NESARA. Become it.

我們現在必須為我們在這個人世間的思想,所說出的話,所做出的事負起完全的責任.我們在五維世界的‘覺知意識’所發射出的能量都會反映到所有生命的‘合一體’上.現在我們有一個主要的改變 - 創造‘新地球’的重要改變在發生當中.每一件事情“都是因為你”而發生.你就是這個創造者.你思考的東西,你就變成它.如果你想要“外星大揭露”以及“外星人降落”那你必須讓這思想(成為你主要的思想)而不是一個偶爾為之的想法!相信這件事會發生,(用思想)讓事情顯化出來!不要指望着別人去替你做. 論是‘槍械管製法案’‘世界和平’ 還是‘NESARA法案的施行’等等-你要‘用思想能力’去變成它! (注- 讓它顯化出來之意.)

As long as you are thinking WHEN? When can never come. Plan it into your day and there it is. Make it so. Pay Attention to Plans Laid for Disclosure. This is true for all the changes. They will not be brought forward until the Conscious Collective are awake and together changing their outer world. It is necessary for the Souls on Earth now to work together for change. There are a few things One may integrate into their lives on the Path to Awakening from the long sleep. Doing these things burns off old karma and frees one up to better understand and discern truth. Then One cannot be fooled by that which is false. When integrated they alleviate fear and suffering completely.

只要你想的是 - 何時會發生呢? 那“那個‘何時’就永遠不會來.”把這件事計劃入你的日程中 - 然後它就發生了!就這樣做吧!注意為‘大揭露’ 所設定的日期.對所有的改變來說- 這樣做都是必要的!這些事不會發生- 除非‘集體意識’已經覺醒,並且團結一致的來改變這外在的世界.地球上的靈魂現在必須集體合作來完全改變一切.有一些事情是每個人從這麼長的睡眠中醒來後可以整合入自己的覺醒之途的事.而做這些事可以燒掉舊的業障, 解放自己,讓自己可以自由並且更好的去理解與分析真理的能力.這樣一來,他就不會被假知識所愚弄 - 而當一個人‘有能力’‘整合’真理時,‘恐懼’與 ‘痛苦’ 就完全被減輕了.

Self-Wisdom vs. Eternal Wisdom

自我智慧 對應 永恆的智慧

Self-Wisdom. Know Thyself. One must take a personal inventory to flush out all the old habits and illusions still being perpetrated by your ego mind. This is a prison you have constructed for yourself. When you take a personal inventory it is important that you be courageous and honest about your downfalls. You MUST face up to who you really are.

自我智慧.瞭解你自己.一個人必須仔細檢視自己才能沖刷出所有老舊的習慣與幻覺- 那些你 ‘膨脹的小我心智’(ego mind)所製造出來的東西.這是你為自己所構築的監獄.而當你做‘自我檢視’ 時, 你必須能夠勇敢而且誠實的面對自我的缺點. 你必須面對你真實的自己!

Not some mask or charade you put on for your lover or children, but the REAL you. If you are lacking in any area of your life, and if it is a chronic problem, then there is a part of you which requires correction. Course Correction. You are off the Path in that area. You must stop repeating the same mistakes again and again. Self-Wisdom is knowing that true happiness and fulfillment come from knowing Oneʻs purpose in life. This WILL come to you, but you must prepare. Each person expresses individually independently. Some travel the world visiting psychics, going to workshops and visiting healers. Your purpose will be revealed to YOU from YOU when you have done the inner preparation work in knowing Yourself. No one knows when the time will come and all One can do between now and then is prepare. Stop denying yourself this Divine Truth.

而不是那些你為你的愛人或是孩子們所戴上的面具,或是‘看手勢猜字謎的遊戲’,而是要給出 ‘真實的自己’!如果你人生的某些部份有‘缺乏\貧乏’ 的話,而且如果長期以來都如此,那麼部份的你就確定需要‘矯正’了!“方向要調整正確了!”你在那個路徑上的方向顯然偏離了.你必須停止一而再,再而三的重複同樣的錯誤.“自我智慧”就是去認清楚“人生的快樂與意義來自於‘對自己生命的目的的瞭解’!”而這個智慧‘會來找你’ - 但你必須先準備好自己!每個人在自己生命意義的表達上都不同.有些人或許旅行全世界拜訪‘通靈人’,去參加‘靈性工作室’,以及拜訪‘靈療者’.你的人生的目的會顯露給你- 從你自己身上 - 當你已經做了足夠的‘心靈自我探索工作’來瞭解自己時!沒有人知道這時間何時會來,而所有人在眼前能夠做的- 也只是‘準備好自己’而已!請停止對自己否認這個神聖真理!(意即,欺騙自己說 - 自己的生命沒有意義.)

Eternal Wisdom. There is a Divine Spark of Source inside of you. You are God. You are Goddess. You are Mother-Father God. There is nothing you cannot create. Now that you are in the 5th Dimension it is very important to look at instant manifestation and begin experimenting with it. New doors have been open to you which were not available before. Eternal Wisdom is available to you from many sources. Following it takes you to higher and higher knowledge.

永恆的智慧.在你的心中有一束來自源頭的火花. 你就是上帝.你就是女神.你就是父母神.沒有什麼是你無法創造的.你現在在五維世界裡- 非常重要的是- 你開始研究‘立即顯化’並且開始‘實驗’!過去不存在的機會,現在新的機會之門已經為你打開了!“永恆的智慧”已經從許多方面 提出了給你.只要跟隨它- 就可以將你帶入更高又更高的知識之中.

A Kindergartener cannot be expected to handle College Coursework? Spirit will not reveal Higher Truths to you until you have presented mastery over the Coursework which precedes each step on the Path. Reading multiple website researching ʻwhatʻs newʻ is a big dead end. It will take you no where. You will be headed eventually for death without any progress made. Many have passed on this year. They chose not to go on at New Earth. This is a very individual choice. It would be in your best interest to match the steps you take in your own life to those needed to achieve Eternal Wisdom through Self-Discovery preparing yourself for the higher work.

幼兒園生是無法理解大學教授的課程的,是吧?靈性世界不會提供更高的真理知識給你- 除非你能證明你已經通過了前面的課程- 那是每進一階必定有的步驟.而閲讀多個網站,研究時事與新鮮事- 是個大大的死巷.你那裡也去不了.你最後會死掉- 而且不會完成任何‘進階’!許多人今年已經走了!他們選擇不要進入新地球.這是一個非常個人化的決定! 所以,你所能做到的最好的事- 就是開始去配合你自己人生中所需要做的‘步驟’那些與“永恆的智慧”相應的功課,而透過‘自我檢視’去準備好自己以便完成隨之而來的‘更高課程’而可以到達 “永恆的智慧”的功課!

The Light Shines Everywhere Lighting the Path to Atmic Wisdom


The Atma is the Highest Form of You. Imagine standing on Earth and a silver cord connects you from your crown chakra all the way back to Source Energy. As you stand in the descendant body you inhabit on Earth then you can look back up to Source and you will see all of your Avatara bodies living simultaneously in other Dimensions, layers and levels as this life now. Your Atma is the name of your Highest Self.
