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(3-2)佛祖開示: 融入 ‘合一’

(3-2)佛祖開示: 融入 ‘合一’! 20130227

Atmic Wisdom is the knowledge which is held within your Eternal Wisdom. It is that which remembers who you are since the time of creation. It remembers its connection with the Angels and Galactics. It knows the answer to every question. It never forgot who it is. It never forgot what is what.

在“永恆的智慧”裡包涵着你的‘靈魂智慧’.那是你從被創造以來的所有記憶.而它也記得它與所有天使與銀河人事的連接.它知道所有問題的答案. 它從不會忘記它是誰.它從沒有忘記過所有的事.

Everywhere you look you see the Path back to Atmic Wisdom. The sparkle in a childʻs eye when they laugh. The peace in the expression on a horsesʻ face. The burgundy and green on a leaf. The sparkle of sunshine on the sea. The Sun coming up over the horizon. Delight in these things, remain focused on these and you have a straight Path back home.

不論你往那裡看,你都看到回覆到‘Atma靈魂智慧’的路.當孩子們笑的時候,你在他們眼睛裡看到那閃光.你可以在一隻馬平靜的臉部表情裡看到. 你可以在一片葉子暗紅色與綠色的地方看到.在海浪閃耀的陽光光影中看到.以及日出時分看到.享受這些事物,專注在這些事物之上,你就會找到回家之路最直接的距離.

We Become A Receptacle of Bliss Due To Control of Mind
Many times in life you find you missed an opportunity which life offered you. Because you cannot see the potential of any new given opportunity, you do not quite understand – and you miss the chance. You have your mind occupied with fear in the news, the bills you do not have money for, rehashing what the neighbor said which was so wrong. You constantly fix your focus on the Illusion. You must first learn to discipline your thoughts and control your mind.

許多次,你們發現自己錯過了人生所提供給你的機會.因為你看不到任何新機會的潛力,你無法理解 - 所以你就錯過了這機會.你讓自己心中充滿了對這個消息的恐懼,你看到了你可能付不起的賬單,對自己老調重彈鄰居會有的批評- 這是多麼錯誤的行為.你一直持續的專注於幻象上!你首先需要學習紀律你自己的思想並控制自己的心智!

Until you become aware of your special purpose you should learn and follow the law of life which is to enjoy every minute, every day, every week and every year of your life. It is not to wait and do nothing until you figure out your special purpose. It will come to you when you have prepared yourself. It will be staring you right in the eyes.
直到你能夠覺知到你自己特殊的使命- 你應該要學習並跟隨生命的法則- 而那就是去享受每一分鐘, 每一天,每個禮拜,和你人生的每一年.而不是去等待,然後什麼也不做,直到你搞清楚你的特殊使命為止.那 ‘了悟’會來- 當你把自己給準備好的時候.而且你會發現‘它’其實就一直在你眼前(盯着你眼睛看著你呢)!

When we give up duality nature of feeling happy or sad, hot or cold, angry or cheerful – when we have control of our senses – our body becomes filled with joy as it has merged with Oneness.
當我們不再掉入二元陷阱的高興或傷心,冷或熱, 生氣或是歡樂之中時, 當我們能夠控制我們的感覺的時候- 我們的身體就會被愉悅所充滿- 因為它與 ‘合一體’已經融合了.

Correct Eating and Right Thinking

Everything in the Cosmos is a Vibration. The food you eat is a vibration. Eating meat which is cultivated in crowded conditions, killed and butchered for the masses carries that vibration. The Animal Kingdom is ascending with Humanity and Earth and they are asking Humanity change their ways. As your body becomes more crystalline it requires food filled with light. Green foods. Fruits. There is karma attached to everything you eat.

宇宙中每樣東西都是一個頻率.你吃的食物是個頻率.你吃的肉- 那個在擁擠狀況下養大的肉,經過宰殺切割來喂給大眾吃的肉- 也攜帶著‘頻率’.動物界現在也跟着人類與地球一起在揚升中,而且他們要求人類做出改變.隨着你們的身體變得更‘水晶化’它需要充滿光的食物.綠色的食物.水果.在你吃的每樣東西中都有一個業障吸附着.

Physical disease is directly linked to what you eat. Toxins in the food cripple the organs and immune system and over time there is a breakdown leading to disease.


Mental disease is directly linked to what you allow in your mind. Correct Eating and Right Thinking allow Atmic Wisdom to flow through your body. Preparing yourself this way makes you a great vessel for wisdom. Ignoring these blocks any higher thoughts from coming through and it is a lonely journey of constant pain and constant searching for answers. Eventually, Death.
心理疾病則直接與你放在心上的事情有關.正確的飲食與正確的思考讓‘Atma靈魂智慧’流經你的身體.以這種方式來準備你自己,就可以讓自己成為 ‘智慧的載具’!如果罔顧這些事情會障礙了更高的思考能量穿越過來,而苦海人生旅程那持續的痛苦與追尋答案的過程是非常孤獨的.直到- 死亡!

Our Forms Are Also Formless
We are wearing our Outer personality-self body. Our non-physical subtle bodies are formless. When we have prepared we are able to consciously be form and formless at the same time. We are not the body. This insight, this perspective makes almost everything else very unimportant.
我們目前是穿著我們外面的個性化的自我身體.我們幾個非物質性的細微身體都是沒有形態的.當我們準備好的時候,我們就能有覺知的同時又有形體又同時不具形體.我們並不是那個身體.這個‘洞見’這個 ‘觀點’就幾乎讓所有的其它事都非常的不重要!

We each have the ability to acquire the Atmic Wisdom for levitation, telepathy, activation of the third eye and many other gifts. Meditation and Contemplation are necessary to advance to this level. If you say you donʻt meditate because you are unable to still that chatter inside then you are imprisoning yourself in a body doomed to eventually die. You will start all over again from the beginning in the next life. It may be in your best interest to be courageous and learn to quiet the chatter. Music works well for this. It is not difficult. Try the Solfeggio Harmonics, for an example, or chanting. These are free on youtube. Even fifteen minutes a day to begin will change your life.
我們每一個人都有能力去得到‘Atma靈魂智慧’來做到‘人體漂浮’,‘心電感應’,‘啟動第三隻眼’,以及許多其它天賦.‘冥想’與‘深度思考’ 是‘進階’‘必需的程序’! 如果你說你無法安靜下你心中喋喋不休的思緒- 那你就是把自己監禁在身體牢獄裡- 命中注定走向死亡.然後在下一世從頭重新開始一遍.所以如果你現在勇敢的學習去安靜下那些喋喋不休- 可能是你能為自己所做的最有利的事.‘音樂’ 對‘冥想’很有幫助!並不困難! 舉例而言, (Solfeggio Harmonics)視唱練耳諧波,以及 ‘唱誦’.網絡上很多而且免費.即使每天開始十五分鐘的冥想也會開始改變你的一生.
