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(3-3)佛祖開示: 融入 ‘合一’


Master the Powers of Nature

Love. Light. Abundance. Knowledge. Happy Family Relationships. Nutrients For The Body. Beauty. Purity. Fertility.

愛.光.富裕.知識.快樂的家庭關係.身體的養分. 美麗.純潔.豐盛.

Acknowledge any problem facing you. Then you can forget about it. Dwelling on lack in any form will manifest more lack. Ask your Guides to show you the solution. Be willing to allow the solution to come to you in ripe timing. Resist the urge to make the problem larger by discussing it and analyzing it endlessly. All Power comes from Source. Once you understand how to keep the channel open, all of the above will flow in without end.

承認任何困擾你的問題.然後你就可以把它給忘記! 把心思專注在‘缺乏’上會‘顯化’出更多‘缺乏’.請求你們的‘指導靈’來告訴你‘解決方法’!並要願意容許‘答案’在成熟的時間來到你面前!所有力量都來自源頭.一但你理解了如何去保持管道的敞開,以上所提到的全部都會無止境的流盡來!

Master Abundance 掌握豐盛
About ninety percent of everything that happens to you is created by you. About ten percent is not in your control. There is a lot in your control. It is your responsibility to keep up with those requirements of living on Earth. The societies we live in require us to keep up with taxes, registrations, upkeep on property, deadlines for work and other routine regulations we all agree to in this Illusion.
大約90%發生在你身上的事是你自己創造的.大約有10%不在你的控制之內.所以你控制的很多.這是你生存在地球上的職責去跟從地球的要求而生活在這裡.我們所生存的社會要求我們繳稅,執照,管理好自己財物,工作期限,以及其它常態性的規定-- 這是我們同意的幻象.

You have to decide if you will keep the channel open to abundance by keeping your nose clean, your house in order and the requirements for you and those you are responsible for organized and completed. Neglecting any aspect of this blocks abundance. One must be constantly vigilant because your environments change everyday.
你必須決定是否你要向‘豐盛’敞開- 透過保持你的鼻子乾淨,你的房子整潔有序,以及遵守法律,並對你需要負責的人事有組織性的完成任務.對任何這些方面的疏忽都會障礙‘豐盛’.一個人必須持續的維持警覺性- 因為你們的環境每天都在變化!

Master Your Relationships 掌握你們的人際關係
Many of you are very lonely. You are aware that your Twin Flame is out there and feel it is painful to think about them. Often One feels abandoned since they cannot be with their TF right now. They tend to blame this on their TF and feel angry toward them while at the same time longing for them and the pain is intense. There is an ongoing unhappiness relating to your TF that blocks you from developing a relationship with the other half of Yourself.

你們很多人很孤單.你們很清楚你們的‘雙生光靈魂’就在那裡,而且感覺到痛苦- 只要想到到他們. 往往,一個人覺得被拋棄了- 因為他們現在無法與他們的‘雙生光靈魂’在一起.他們往往會怪他們的‘雙生光靈魂’並且會對他們生氣,可是同時又渴望着他們- 而這痛苦是深刻而強烈的!有一個與你們的‘雙生光靈魂’有關的,持續性的不快樂, 障礙了你們與另一半的自我發展出一個(良好的)關係來.

Many of you have a relationship with pornography. This fills that empty hole where the pain of longing for your perfect partner exists. Realize that as you attach these images to your sexual energy you are creating karma with those in the images.
你們許多人與‘色情’多有接觸.這填補了你們渴望你們完美的對象的存在的空白.要明白當你這樣做時- 你吸附了這些影像到你的性能量裡去- 而你也跟這些影像創造了業障.

This can have a deleterious effect on your spirit. When you are focusing on an image of a person, a performer, you are attaching your energy not only to them, but to every person they have ever been with. This is a very negative low energy and unknown to you holds you in darkness.

這對你的靈性是有害的.當你專注在一個人的影像上,一個表演者,你就是把自己的能量附予給不止是他們,還包括了與他們在一起過的所有人.這是一個非常負面的低能量,而且你不懂 - 它會把你控制在黑暗中.

Invite your Twin Flame into your life. Focus on releasing the powerlessness, hurt, pain, longing and change your relationship with them. Have fun with them. Meditate with them. Invite your TF into every aspect of your life – making life more meaningful right now.

邀請你們的‘雙生光靈魂’到你的生命中來!釋放掉那個‘無力感’,痛苦,傷害,渴望,並改變你們與他們的關係.與他們歡樂在一起.與他們一起冥想. 邀請你們的‘雙生光靈魂’到你們生活的每個層面去- 現在就讓你們的人生更具有意義!

One meditation you may do is to become small – the size of a blood cell. Jump into your TFʻs heart chambers. Meditate on hearing their heartbeat – swoosh, swoosh.
你們可以做一個冥想來讓自己更小一些- 像一個血液細胞那麼小.跳入你們‘雙生光靈魂’的心間. 聽著他們的心跳做冥想- swoosh, swoosh.

Play recordings of natal heartbeats set to music as you focus on this. Allow the sensation that you are being rocked to float into your meditation. Feel completely surrounded by the love of your TF. This will feel like floating in the ocean, or rocking in a hammock. Swinging on a swing bedecked in flowers next to your love. Come into Bliss being there. Try doing this meditation for 2 minutes or 5 minutes. Do it at your desk. Do it watching tv. Do it at a party with others around and reconnect with the Oneness with your TF throughout the day.
你們可以放孕婦嬰兒的心跳做為音樂來做這個冥想.允許搖晃你的感覺讓你漂浮入你的冥想之中. 感覺自己被你的‘雙生光靈魂’的愛所圍繞!這會讓你覺得好像自己漂浮在海洋裡面,或是躺在吊床上搖晃.就好像坐在一個裝飾滿了花朵的鞦韆上面, 坐在你愛人的身邊搖盪.走進這樣的祝福裡面吧! 試着做2到5分鐘的這樣的冥想.在你的書桌前做. 看電視時做.在宴會中,當一堆人圍繞着你的時候做.一整天都與‘合一體’的,與你的‘雙生光靈魂’重新連接在一起.

Master Ourselves 掌握我們自己
Be Happy No Matter What It Looks Like.
不管情況看起來如何- 要快樂!

Consciousness of Absolute Purity

As you continue to participate in higher and higher experiences you will crave purity.

隨着你持續的參與更高又更高的經驗- 你會渴求 ‘純粹\純潔’!

Savitri is the name of the Light Source within each One. It is the Light from the Spiritual Sun and the Light from our Sun. It is the all pervading Oneness in all things. It is a great powerful energy you draw on more and more as you purify your vessel. Doing the preparation is absolutely required to understand greater teachings. If you are wondering around with questions about everything – keep asking and it will come to you.
我們每個人心中都有一個‘光源’ 叫做 Savitri . 那是來自靈性太陽的光,以及我們太陽的光. 這就是瀰漫在所有東西里的‘合一之光’. 這是一個強力的能量- 你會一直不斷的使用這能量來‘潔淨’你的人身載具.若想要能‘理解’更高深的偉大教導- ‘準備好自己’是絶對需要的工作!如果你對任何事有問題的話,繼續問問題- 而答案自己會來找你!

Discipleship is The Path to Atmic Wisdom

Complete devotion to the Supreme Being is something to contemplate. Balancing your life and attracting abundance, fulfilling your responsibilities for your duty, exploring your special purpose, fulfilling positive ambitions and desires bring complete liberation.

Doing these things with the intension of watching the Planet flourish while enjoying every moment ~ fulfills your purpose of harnessing the power of pure love. This is Buddha through Elizabeth Trutwin, February 27, 2013 © All Rights Reserved. http://ElizabethTrutwin.org

你們需要思考一下對‘無上造物主’絶對的忠誠這件事- 平衡一下你們的生活,去吸引‘豐盛’,完成你對你自己的責任與職責,研究一下你的個人使命, 完成正面的事業與雄心壯志,帶給自己完全的解脫. - 而且當你做這些事時,帶著期望地球更好的心意 - 同時享受每個時刻~ 完成你‘使用純粹的愛的力量’的使命!

Elizabeth Trutwin指導