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'klippe klistre' day

Thursday 30th Nov is an off schedule day for decorations and class time.
All OIS classes will start with an international assembly. We will be joining the Hosiana assembly with HH on Friday (no international assembly on Friday).

Class Schedules for Thursday 30th:
P1-3 will be open from 08.10-13.05
P4-6 and S7-11 will be open from 08.10-13.50

The after school programme is open from 13.05-16.15.

Dear Parents,
Tomorrow is decoration day for the whole school. Both the Danish and international departmets will be spending time decorating the classrooms. It is a common Danish tradition in schools called 'klippe klistre' day. School will finish at 1:00pm for P4 where children will be able to go into the after school club. It is a class teacher day, which means P4 will have the whole day with me. I have told the children they are welcome to bring small snacks to share. However it is not something they have to do.

Best wishes,