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每天瘋言瘋語 我很少正經說話   不過 我今天真正要來  好。好。說。話 說。說。好。話   有人問我:為什麼你老是厲害長厲害短? 你生活裡沒有其他的事情了嗎?   有。。。 我生活周遭超多可以寫得 可是我就是提不起勁來寫   厲害是我的夫 那一點往下壓 就變成我的天   他是我選的貨色 我精挑細選來陪我一輩子的   我的吃穿喜怒都要靠他 我生氣他會讓我氣消 我想吃東西他去買回來 我傷心他陪著我難過 我覺得自己胖他比我胖很多   要玩很會玩 要吃很會吃 要花錢也很會花錢 要賺錢也很不賴 對父母又很孝順 說到工作也很認真 還很努力的幫我按摩 又很會帶小孩 還很會娛樂我 我喜歡露營他當司機 我想睡覺他會趕走小孩 我想安靜他會閉嘴 我想聊天他會找話題   他從小就被公公教導 選你所愛 愛你所選 讓太太快樂才是真男人   一個人很好 兩個人也不錯   婚姻走到這個年頭 厲害仍舊保持那份熱戀的熱情 老說他愛我甚過A妮信 願意為我付出一切   願意從加拿大跟我回到台灣 面臨不適應的交通 氣候 食物 仍然甘之如飴 能夠住在自己國家的話 誰要漂流他鄉呢 願意犧牲到這樣程度   你說 我的臉書不寫他 要寫誰呢? 寫你嗎?   #建議每個女人都要好好的寫一篇這種文章 #想掐死老公的時候拿可以出來複習一下 #每個老公更要好好保存這種救命文



Today is my sexy wife's birthday! Happy Birrhday, Monica Chen! No one can believe she is 49 years old today. But, they CAN believe she is 45!! We have spent almost half of our lives together. I only wish I could say that it is the better half. I am so thankful to be able to watch her grow old. She is kind of like a tree, except when a tree's leaves change colour, they change from green to red/yellow/orange to brown to nothing. She has just changed from black to white, and soon, will have nothing as well. Ha ha! She is the most incredibly wonderful and amazing girl. I love her so much. She has made my life both better and worse. Never thought that could be possible. She can be as sweet as she can bitter. She has accomplished so much in her many years on earth, from bringing 3 amazing children into this world, and Alyssa, to starting and running a successful business, to becoming fluent in English and Japanese, to taking care of her parents in their old age, to making me a better person. I am so eternally thankful for all her love and support. She is an amazing wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend. One of her friends has even admitted to loving Monica more than she does her own husband. i am getting too old to finding a replacement for her when she dies, so she has to either live long enough until we can both die old together, or just hurry up and kick the bucket! I hope you have enjoyed this past week of birthday festivities as much as I have. I can never show you enough how much I love and appreciate you, sweetie. You are truly an amazingly awesome person.......and still so incredibly beautiful. I hope to be able to celebrate many more birthdays with you.  PS. Lets see how you top this one.  HAPPY BITHDAY, BABY!!!!!