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J Pastoral Y6 2nd

Jay has become more independent as he has settled into the Year Six classroom
routines. At times he still needs to focus on organizing himself before settling down
to begin his work. Jay finds this easier once he has listened carefully to instructions
and is certain about the expectations of the task at hand. At times he needs gentle
reminders about using his learning time properly, rather than socializing. When
focused he displays a willingness to approach personal inquiry and challenges with
an attitude of growth mindset. Jay continues to work on independently contributing
to group discussions. This is allowing him to now begin to connect his ideas and
thoughts a little more through his writing. Jay has an awareness of how his body
reacts to different situations and has begun to develop strategies for when this
happens to deal with it. Jay is emotionally aware of his needs as a learner and this
allows him to manage relationships with his peers and support others, as he
continues to develop his leadership skills. Jay has continued to be an active
member of the primary Bauhinia group and Band of Forty. Jay is wished all the best
as he transitions into secondary school next year.