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CC's Pastoral Y1 2nd

Chloe has had a great first year in RCHK. She has made good progress throughout
the year and has continued to be a well liked member of 1JF. She has continued to
make and maintain friendships in 1JF and has consistently communicated
effectively with her teachers and peers. When working in groups, Chloe displays
leadership qualities and has the ability to lead or follow as the situation demands.
She has continuously been a conscientious student, putting effort into the task at
hand. Chloe also accepts feedback with a positive attitude and will make changes
or improvements to her work based on the feedback she receives. Chloe enjoys
challenging tasks and will always take them on with enthusiasm. She will always
have a go at tasks on her own before asking her peers or teachers for help if
necessary. Chloe has continued to behave in a sensible manner in Semester Two
and has continued to participate actively in all activities. It has been a pleasure
teaching Chloe and she is wished the very best as she takes on new challenges in Y2.