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Cheryl 媽咪









2寶貝一起學,TINE很高興,從上星期去報名開始,就一直在倒數天數,今天一早就跟我說:媽咪!今天我和咪要游泳對不對? 我說:對啊! TINE:耶!!!今天要游泳囉!!! 3:00PM (提前15分鐘到) 下午接了TINE後,馬上回家換泳衣,2寶貝好高興,因為提早到,所以等了一下,上課開始,是為男老師,共有4位小朋友,另外2位是小男生,大概都3歲左右而已。 開始上課,老師幫4位小朋友穿上蛙鞋,然後拿了像啞鈴的浮具,帶著小朋友游了2趟,游的時候,老師會要小朋友動動腳,在要回到岸邊時,老師會把小朋友的頭浸到水裡一下下下,第2趟要做這動作前,咪就搖頭不要,但是老師還是讓咪試了。 然後是拉著老師的手又游了1趟(一樣有把小朋友的頭浸到水裡一下下下。)接著是拉著老師的手游到中間(一樣有把小朋友的頭浸到水裡一下下下。),然後仰式的漂在水上,老師還唱歌讓小朋友不緊張,接著就是讓小朋友坐在泳池旁邊,要小朋友站起來,然後跳到水裡,老師再從水裡把小朋友抱起來,咪一下子不猶豫的就跳到水裡,而TINE猶豫了一下子,但是第2次跳的時候,TINE就勇敢一點了∼最後老師給小朋友套上游泳圈,讓小朋友自己玩水,接著就下課了∼∼ 在這短短的30分鐘裡,2寶貝玩得很高興,都很喜歡,上完時咪和TINE還說:我跟Michael Phelps一樣在游泳∼∼ 呵呵∼∼ 咪不戴蛙鏡游泳,因為咪看到另一位小男生也是沒帶蛙鏡,所以她也不帶∼∼ 咪的頭只要一浸到水裡,就會嗆到水,所以嗆到水很多次,而TINE也嗆到水2次。 上完課,2寶貝開始問: 媽咪,我剛剛有沒有厲害? 媽咪,妳有沒有看我在咳嗽?(嗆到水) 媽咪,我喜歡跳水。(咪) 媽咪,我不怕潛到水裡。(TINE) 媽咪,姊姊不敢跳水。 媽咪,妹妹怕潛到水裡。



下午去Target買TINE開學需要的物品,要準備的東西還真多,TINE也幫了一些忙喔! 所要準備的東西 1. 1 box of Kleenex 2. 1 bottle of hand sanitizer soap 3. 1 box of gallon size Zip Lock bags 4. 1 box of sandwich size Zip Lock bags 5. 20 glue sticks 6. 1 package of #2 pencils 7. 2 block erasers 8. 1 package of paper plates 9. 1 package of BRIGHT colored Xerox paper (any color)(example - red ,bright green , deep blue , etc.) 10. 1 package of fine tip washable markers(multi colored) 11. 1 package of wide tip washable markers(multi colored) * Crayola markers are the most reliable * 12.earthquake kit We would like each child to have his/her own earthquake kit to be kept in the classroom. You can make your child’s kit by using a one-gallon Ziploc bag. Fill the bag with at least one juice box or water bottle. Also include packaged food items your child likes such as granola bar, fruit roll, raisins, cookies, small cans of fruit with an easy open top, spoon if needed, etc. A space blanket (found in the camping section of most drug stores) would be very helpful. You may also wish to include a reassuring note to your child in his/her kit. Please fill out the enclosed emergency information form. This form is folded and placed in a plastic sleeve and stored in the emergency backpack in your child’s classroom. In the event of an earthquake or other disaster, the plastic sleeve will be placed around your child’s neck. Inside this sleeve we will also enclose a current copy of the health enrollment form from the office so that we have updated phone numbers etc. Whenever you update that form in the office, we will put a new copy in the emergency backpack. Please include a small picture - this is very important in helping with identification. An out-of-state contact (if you have one) will be helpful if local phone lines are down. Do not put the emergency form in the food bag. Please write your child’s name and room number with a permanent marker on the front of the Ziploc bag and return the food kit and emergency form to his/her classroom teacher by Monday, August 25th. If you have any questions please call Debbi Tuck at (408) 252-7240 ext. 150. Thank you for your prompt attention to this important task!