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Celebrate Chinese New Year


3rd Grade的Social Stueies課程 安排了認識China 所以今天要慶祝中國新年 並要求小朋友穿"紅色"衣服到校 哈 Jason紅衣服不少 沒啥問題 再看看學校發的文章 讓我們以外國人的角度 來認識 Chinese New Year Chinese New Year's celebrations don't happen on January 1st. They don't even happen on the same day from one year to the next. They are celebrated at about the same time every year, sometime between the middle of January and Middle of February. This is because the Chinese New Year's celebration isn't based on the Western calendar, but on the first new moon of the new year, and the date of the new moon changes from year to year. The Chinese New Year's celebration starts with the new moon and ends with the Lantern Festival, 15 days later. The Chinese New Year is a very busy time for Chinese families. Before the start of the celebration, Chinese families decorate their homes. They put up displays of oranges, candy trays, blooming flowers, and good wishes written on red paper. New Year's Eve and New Year's Day are a time for family celebrations. These two days are also a time to honor the gods and family ancestors. Ancestors are mimbers of the family who lived a long time ago. On New Year's Eve, Chinese families have a special family feast. According to tradition, the second day of the celebration is the birthday of all dogs. On this day people are very kind to dogs and give them extra food. The fifth day of the celebration is called "Po Woo". This is the day when families honor the God of Wealth. On this day, people usually stay home because it is bad luck to go out and visit friends or family. The seventh day is the day for farmers to show off their produce. Produce means things that a farmer has grown, like fruits and vegetables. Farmers will also make a special drink on this day from seven different vegetables. This day is also considered to be the birthday of all human beings. On the tenth day people give offerings to the Jade Emperor. In Chinese tradition, the Jade Emperor is the ruler of Heaven. The rest of the celebrationis a time for eating and drinking, visiting friends and visiting family. The last day of the celebration is the Lantern Festival. Lantern artisans spend many days preparing the beautiful lantern displays. There are lanterns in all different shapes and sizes. Some lanterns are shaped like animals, and in some northern Chinese towns and cities there are even lantern displays made out of ice! Children carry their own lanterns as well, and there are many lion and dragon dances. The Chinese New Year's Festival lasts for 15 days. It is a time to celebrate the start of a new year with family and friends. 讀完之後 對於初二的"狗生日" 還有初五的"Po Woo" 甚麼是"Po Woo".?? 還有不能出門這件事”霧煞煞” 可能要China People才知道唄!!