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Obama's Message to Graduates~


http://www.scientificamerican.com/podcast/episode.cfm?id=obamas-message-to-graduates-09-05-18 Obama's Message to Graduates~ President Obama's message to Arizona State University grads matches new research on how to live a fulfilled and happy life. Christie Nicholson reports Listen to this podcast: ---------------------------------------------------------------- [Below is the original script. But a few changes may have been made during the recording of this audio podcast.] “...you're taught to chase after all the usual brass rings; you worry about whether you have a fancy enough title or a fancy enough car. "We too often let the external, the material things, serve as indicators that we're doing well, even though something inside us tells us that we're not doing our best…” That was President Obama’s advice to the graduating class of Arizona State University on May 13. And a new study in the June issue of the Journal of Research in Personality backs it up. Based on a survey of 147 alumni from two universities, achieving ones’ goals leads to a great deal of satisfaction. But there’s a caveat: it depends on the nature of those goals. The survey was administered twice, once a year after graduation and then 12 months later. Their research confirmed that achieving material and image-related goals has zero impact on happiness, and can actually lead to guilt, anger and physical symptoms like headaches and stomachaches. But graduates who focused on, and achieved, a level of personal growth, close relationships, community involvement and physical health rated themselves as happier, with fewer physical problems. Such intrinsic goals are closely related to an autonomous self, noted the authors, while a constant comparison to anothers’ external image breeds feelings of inadequacy and envy. This lines up with Obama’s plea to A.S.U. grads: “…that in fact the elevation of appearance over substance, of celebrity over character, of short-term gain over lasting achievement is precisely what your generation needs to help end." "I'm talking about an approach to life -- a quality of mind and quality of heart; a willingness to follow your passions, regardless of whether they lead to fortune and fame;...a lack of regard for all the traditional markers of status and prestige -- and a commitment instead to doing what's meaningful to you, what helps others, what makes a difference in this world.” —Christie Nicholson



12星座小孩 ~ 摩羯座 一天,羯羯跟媽媽上街﹔走在路上,突然下起雨來。 媽媽拉過羯羯的小手,說:下雨了,快往前跑阿! 羯羯慢條斯理冷靜地問:那前面就不下雨嘍!? (明白現實懶得改變的摩羯) 水瓶座 瓶瓶問媽媽:為什麼稱蔣 先生為『先人』? 媽媽說:因為'先人'是對死去的人的稱呼。 瓶瓶說:那去世的奶奶是不是要叫『鮮奶』? (天生的另類、腦筋思考永遠和常人不一樣的水瓶) 雙魚座 爸爸給魚魚講小時候經常挨餓的事。 聽完後,魚魚兩眼含淚,十分同情地問: 哦,爸爸,你是因為沒飯吃才來我們家的嗎? (富含豐富同情心、不分情況及對象的雙魚) 白羊座 媽媽經常叮囑羊羊:穿裙子時不可以蕩秋千﹔不然,會被小男生看到里面的小內褲哦! 有一天,羊羊高興地對媽媽說:今天我和小明比賽蕩秋千,我贏了! 媽媽生氣地說:不是告訴過你嗎?穿裙子時不要蕩秋千! 羊羊驕傲地說:可是我好聰明哦!我把里面的小內褲脫掉了,這樣他就看不到我的小內褲了! (勇敢直率、傻做傻為的白羊) 金牛座 賣瓜小販:快來吃西瓜,不甜不要錢! 饑渴的牛牛:哇!太好了,老板,來個不甜的! (持家、想出軌又顧全自己的金牛) 雙子座 媽媽叫雙雙起床:快點起來!公雞都叫好幾遍了! 雙雙說:公雞叫和我有什麼關係?我又不是母雞! (自我意識強烈、自行思維的雙子) 巨蟹座 公車上,蟹蟹說:今晚我要和媽媽睡! 媽媽問道:你將來娶了媳婦也和媽媽睡阿? 蟹蟹不假思索:嗯! 媽媽又問:那你媳婦怎麼辦? 蟹蟹想了半天,說:好辦,讓她跟爸爸睡! 媽媽:!@#$%︿&* 再看爸爸,已經熱淚盈眶啦! (戀母情結、依戀的巨蟹) 獅子座 獅獅去參加奶奶的壽宴。到了吃壽包的時候, 獅獅問:我們為什麼要吃這種像屁股的壽包? 眾人聽了臉色大變。 接著獅獅撥開壽包,看看里面的豆沙,說:奶奶,快看!里面還有大便! 眾人暈的暈,吐的吐。 (以自我感受、不怕旁人眼光的驕傲的獅子) 處女座 處處對肚臍很好奇,就問爸爸..... 爸爸把臍帶連著胎兒與母體的道理簡單地講了一下,說: 嬰兒離開母體之後,醫生把臍帶剪斷,並打了一個結,後來就成了肚臍。 處處:那醫生為什麼不打個蝴蝶結? (好奇心強又追求完美的處女) 天秤座 父親對天天說:今天不要上學了,昨晚.....你媽給你生了兩個弟弟。你給老師說一下就行了。 天天卻回答:爸爸,我只說生了一個﹔另一個,我想留著下星期不想上時再說! (聰明、權衡利弊的天平) 天蠍座 蠍蠍剛睡著,就叫蚊子叮了一口。 他起來趕蚊子,卻怎麼也趕不出去。 沒法,便指著蚊子說:好吧,你不出去我出去! 邊說邊出了房間,把門使勁關嚴得意地說: 哼!我今晚不進屋,非把你餓死不可! (搞不懂、不按常理出牌的天蠍) 射手座 射射:爸爸,為什麼你有那麼多白頭髮? 爸爸:因為你不乖,所以爸爸有好多白頭髮啊。 射射:……(疑惑中) 射射:那為什麼爺爺全部都是白頭髮? 爸爸:!@#$%︿&* (喜歡思考的射手)